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In Between Wars: 1919-1939.

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1 In Between Wars:

2 Bell work Do you think dreams are a warning sign or a look into your future? Or do you think dreams are just subconscious feelings about your experiences? Give an example

3 Arts, Sciences, and Technology:
The end of WWI led to a drastic change in the ways people perceived the world. Many, disillusioned by the war, found solace in various different forms of art, music, technology, and science.

4 Dada Movement: Group of intellectuals and artisans
Believed intellectual conformity, nationalism, and colonial interests led to WWI Art made to get a reaction out of those who saw it

5 Other form of art: Surrealism- cultural movement during 1920s
Protest against typical art forms/horrors of WWI Dream-like quality in paintings





10 Draw it out: Imagine you are a French artist who spent time on the Western Front during WWI You are disillusioned by the horrors of trench warfare and need express your antiwar sentiment Using surrealism as your model, create a poster that depicts your experience during the war

11 Directions Draw a picture that represents your feelings or experiences being involved in Trench warfare The picture should be dream like The picture should take an explanation, nothing should be basic

12 Music: Jazz Music Influential in “Roaring Twenties”
Scared the older generation Originated among African Americans in New Orleans 1910’s Reached height popularity during prohibition in the 1920’s Remained “party music until the 1940’s When cool Jazz was released in the late 1940s early 1950s slowing down the tempo.

13 Types of Jazz New Orleans Jazz 1910- hard Swinging, improve style
Bebop 1940s- Composed at fast tempos Cool Jazz 1940s- Calmer, smoother tempo, melodic and linear Free Jazz 1950s- played without a regular tempo meter

14 Listen to a jazz song from each era
Listen to a jazz song from each era. What does to the song remind you of? Write down your answer as you listen New Orleans Jazz– Jelly Role Morton Bebop- Charlie Parker Swing Band Jazz- Louis Armstrong Cool Jazz-Miles Davis Free Jazz- Charles Mingus Listen

15 Bell work Watch CNN What is the most significant piece of the broadcast to you? Why?

16 Science: Discovery of vitamins C, E-protects cells
Insulin- diabetes/elevate low blood sugar Penicillin- developed by Alexander Fleming Innovations in immunizations

17 Technology/Inventions:
Electric irons Refrigerators Air conditioning Vacuums Frozen food(TV dinners) Primitive TVs

18 Reflect Which one of these items could you not live without?
Discuss with your table

19 Albert Einstein: German-born genius
Published over 300 scientific works Theory of Relativity was first major theory since Newton Changed people’s view on the way people viewed speed, time, and place

20 Philosophy: Friedrich Nietzsche- reason, democracy and progress stifled people’s creativity Existentialism- each person creates their own meaning to life

21 reflect Do you ever find yourself having a existential thoughts?
What is the point? What is my purpose? Am I living my life to the fullest?

22 Psychology: Sigmund Freud Believed that human mind is irrational and
driven by subconscious thoughts Personality developed from childhood experience Ideas influenced peoples’ belief in reason Believed in talking openly to treat mental disorders

23 What are your Defense Mechanisms?
Freud proposed the theory that humans naturally respond to different stressful situations by putting up defense mechanisms to defend our feelings Defenses are like circuit breakers. They will shut off a thought or sensation when the intensity gets too much to handle In groups, look at the various types of mechanisms and write down which ones you have experienced

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