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Biological Bases of Behavior

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1 Biological Bases of Behavior
Unit 3 Biological Bases of Behavior

2 Module 14: Behavioral Genetics
Do First Be Aware Of: Answer the Fact or Falsehood? questions by indicating if they are true or false. If FALSE, make sure that you explain WHY. Unit 3 Test – Friday, 9/22 Rough Draft of Research Proposal Due 9/22 Module 14 for HW

3 NEW! Homework Planner!

4 Module 14 Objective SWBAT explain how heredity (genes and heritability) and genes/environment interact, paying specific attention to twin and adoption studies, monozygotic vs. dizygotic twins, and molecular genetics

5 Genes – the Code for Life
Behavioral geneticist Scientist who studies the impact of genes on your behavior Compares heredity vs. the environment’s influence on human behavior

6 Genes – the Code for Life
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid Stores the ‘information’ and instructions that build an organism Genes Sections of DNA that code for a specific function, look, or purpose Active genes are expressed and determine aspects about the organism Inactive genes do not Chromosome Thread-like division of the DNA molecule; contains genes Genome The entire collection of you; the whole of an organism’s genetic structure and code

7 What does this mean for behavior?
Two types of twins to study: Identical twins (monozygotic) Fraternal twins (dizogtic)

8 What does this mean for behavior?
Identical/monozygotic: Developed from a single sperm fertilizing a single egg Mono – zygotic = one zygote split to form two people Share ALL of their genetic code Fraternal/dizygotic: Developed from TWO separate sperm cells fertilizing TWO egg cells – develop at same time Di – zygotic = two zygotes form two people Typical brothers/sisters – share about 50% of their DNA in common

9 Twin and Adoption Studies
Given the extreme importance of this subject, University of Minnesota did a long-running twin and adoption study Twins separated at birth were found later and asked numerous questions about their lives and habits Remarkably, IDENTICAL twins – even those separated at birth – share almost 70% of their traits, on average Fraternal twins and siblings share about 40-50% of their traits on average What does this say about genetic influences on behavior and personality?

10 It’s All Relative – Bio vs. Adoptive
Genetic/biological relatives – fathers, mothers, siblings, your (hypothetical) children, cousins, etc. share some genetic material in common You are much more likely to share traits in common w/ your parents than a random person ADOPTED children share substantially less in common with their adoptive parents However, they still have a higher rate of similarity to their adoptive parents than random strangers What does this say about environment’s influence on behavior?

11 The New Frontier – Molecular Genetics
Subfield of biology that studies molecular structure and function of genes Why are black people more susceptible to heart disease? Why are white people more susceptible to Alzheimers? Are certain people pre- programmed based on their race for different languages or conditions? Why do some people NEVER get sick, some people are able to power through sickness, and others get sick all the time? Heritability The amount of variation of a trait in people we can attribute to genetics “differences among people” To what extent is height/weight/intelligence genetic? Gene-environment interaction Interplay that occurs when one factor (environment) depends on another factor (genetics) How does being poor change the level of intellect someone gets? One Brazilian case study indicates A LOT: One twin was raised in wealth, was 5 inches taller, and scored higher on IQ tests Other twin was raised in poverty, was short and underweight, and scored lower

12 Molecular Genetics Epigenetics:
Remember when we said genes and natural selection determine what you hand down? Well, we were wrong. Epigenetic is the study of how the environment can cause DIFFERENT genes to be expressed – ie, in times of food shortages, women will have children who grow to be shorter Allows an organism to quickly adapt its offspring to unexpected/sudden changes in an environment Potentially a form of evolution “in the short term” or adaptation “for the long term”

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