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12.1 The Invention of the Linnaean System

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2 12.1 The Invention of the Linnaean System
To name organisms, biologists use a multilevel grouping of individuals called classification Organisms were first classified more than 2,000 years ago by Aristotle Living things were either plants or animals Later groups started to be formed and referred to as genera (singular genus)

3 The classification system of the Middle Ages was known as the polynomial system
Polynomials were a string of Latin words or phrases consisting of up to 12 or more words This system was cumbersome and confusing In the 1750s, the Swedish biologist Carolus Linnaeus developed the binomial system Binomials are two-part names They have become our standard way of designating species

4 Fig. 12.1 How Linnaeus named two species of oaks

5 12.2 Species Names A group of organisms at a particular level in a classification system is called a taxon (plural, taxa) Taxonomy is the branch of biology that identifies and names organisms Organisms are named using Latin and in such a way that no two have the same name Using common names can be misleading

6 Fig. 12.2 Common names make poor labels
Bears Robins Corn

7 12.2 Species Names By convention, the binomial name consists Genus
The first word and is always capitalized Epithet The second word which refers to the species and is not capitalized The two words are written in italics Together, they form the scientific name Example: Apis mellifera The honeybee

8 Information gets more and more general
12.3 Higher Categories Taxonomists use a hierarchical system to classify organisms spaghetti green for over came Philip King Species Genus Family Order Class Phylum Kingdom Information gets more and more general

9 Fig. 12.3

10 12.4 What Is a Species? John Ray (about 1700)
A species is a group of individuals that can breed with one another and produce fertile offspring Fig. 12.4 Sterile

11 12.4 What Is a Species? Ernst Mayr (1940s)
Proposed the biological species concept Species are groups that are reproductively-isolated This concept works well for animals, but poorly for other organisms Problems Assumes regular outcrossing Assumes strong reproductive barriers

12 12.4 What Is a Species? Since the time of Linnaeus, about 1.5 million species have been named However, scientists estimate that at least 10 million species exist At least two-thirds of these occur in the tropics

13 12.5 How to Build a Family Tree
Taxonomy also enables us to glimpse the evolutionary history of life on earth The evolutionary history of an organism and its relationship to other species is called phylogeny The reconstruction and study of phylogenetic trees is called systematics

14 12.5 How to Build a Family Tree
A clade is a group of organisms related by descent Cladistics is the construction of phylogeny based on similarities derived from a common ancestor Examination of these derived characters allows the construction of a branching cladogram Cladograms are not true family trees They convey comparative relationship information Each cladogram must contain an outgroup to which the ingroup is compared

15 Fig. 12.5 A cladogram of vertebrate animals
Ingroup Outgroup

16 12.5 How to Build a Family Tree
Modern cladistics attempts to assign extra weight to the evolutionary significance of key characters Weighting characters lies at the heart of traditional taxonomy Phylogenies are constructed based on a large amount of information about the organism gathered over the years To construct their trees traditional taxonomists use both ancestral and derived characters Cladists use only derived characters

17 Fig. 12.6 Two ways to classify terrestrial vertebrates
Birds have their own Class Birds are lumped with reptiles

18 12.5 How to Build a Family Tree
So which approach is better? Traditional taxonomy, when a lot of information is available to guide character weighting Cladistics, when little information is available about how the character affects the life of the organism

19 Fig The cat family tree

20 Fig The cat family tree

21 12.6 The Kingdoms of Life The designation of kingdoms has changed over the years Originally there were only two kingdoms As more information about organisms was obtained, the number of kingdoms increased! Indeed, a taxonomic level higher than kingdom has been recognized Domain

22 12.6 The Kingdoms of Life Fig Different approaches to classifying living organisms

23 More closely related to each other than either is to bacteria
Fig A tree of life More closely related to each other than either is to bacteria

24 12.7 Domain Archaea Consists of only one kingdom, the Archaebacteria
Archaebacteria inhabit some of the most extreme environments on earth They share certain key characteristics Cell walls lacking peptidoglycan Unusual lipids and unique rRNA sequences Some archaebacterial genes possess introns

25 Archaebacteria are grouped into three general categories Methanogens
Obtain energy by using hydrogen gas to reduce carbon dioxide to methane gas Extremophiles Grow under extreme conditions Thermophiles (heat) Halophiles (salt) pH-tolerant Pressure-tolerant Nonextreme archaebacteria Grow in the same environments as bacteria do

26 12.8 Domain Bacteria Consists of only one kingdom, Bacteria
Bacteria are the most abundant organisms on earth They play critical roles throughout the biosphere Most taxonomists recognize major groups Bacteria are as different from archaebacteria as they are from eukaryotes

27 12.9 Domain Eukarya Appeared about 1.5 billion years ago
Consists of four kingdoms Animalia Plantae Fungi Protista Well defined evolutionary groups Largely muticellular Very diverse Unicellular

28 TABLE 12.2

29 TABLE 12.2

30 12.9 Domain Eukarya The hallmark of eukaryotes is complex cellular organization This is highlighted by the presence of organelles Mitochondria and chloroplasts most likely entered early eukaryotic cells by endosymbiosis Mitochondria are descendants of purple bacteria Chloroplasts are descendants of cyanobacteria

31 Fig. 12.10 Diagram of the evolutionary relationship among the six kingdoms
Symbiotic events

32 Interestingly, other types of photosynthetic protists are endosymbionts of some eukaryotic organisms
Zooxanthellae algae Fig Coral animal

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