Finding ways to keep yourself safe and happy!

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Presentation on theme: "Finding ways to keep yourself safe and happy!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding ways to keep yourself safe and happy!
Safety Planning Finding ways to keep yourself safe and happy!

2 Feeling Safe Means: You feel GOOD!!!
You know the people you are with will take good care of you. You know what is expected of you. You have an idea of what will happen next. You are not worried that you or someone else will get hurt. You don’t feel scared or lonely. You are not afraid to say what you think. You feel GOOD!!!

3 How Do You Know When You Feel Unsafe?

4 How Does Your Body Feel When You Feel Unsafe?
Butterflies In Stomach

5 How Does Your Body Feel When You Feel Unsafe? Cont.
Weak Knees

6 How Does Your Body Feel When You Feel Unsafe? Cont.
Tingling/ Funny Feeling in Chest

7 How Does Your Body Feel When You Feel Unsafe? Cont.

8 I Feel Unsafe When… People are fighting at home
Someone is asking and/or telling me to do something I am not comfortable with and telling me not to tell anyone I am being bullied I am not being properly cared for at home Someone is physically hurting me

9 Safe Places I Can Go When Feeling Unsafe
A safe place has more than one exit. An unsafe place has things that can be used as weapons (like the kitchen).

10 Safe Places I Can Go When Feeling Unsafe
Inside My Home:____________________ Outside My Home:___________________ At School:_________________________ Other:____________________________

11 What is a Healthy Relationship
Relationships are the people you interact with. family Friends Classmates Teachers, doctors, guidance Having a healthy relationship means your not afraid to talk to this person. They show you respect by listening to you and you trust and feel safe with hem. Who are some people you feel safe with?

12 In An Emergency Call 911 An Emergency is… Massive blood loss
Broken bone(s) Fighting ( Hitting, Kicking, Threatening, etc…) Someone loses consciousness or passes out

13 When Calling 911… You Need to: Tell your first and last name
Describe what is happening Tell your address Tell your phone number Stay on the phone to answer questions

14 Is It Safe to Break Up a Fight Between People Bigger Than You?
If yes what would you do if you were hurt and unable to get help? Always seek help when witnessing a fight. Deb this would be posed for other children that might feel like they have to protect mom or other sibling.

15 In an Unsafe Situation Who Are You Responsible For?
You are responsible for yourself and to make sure you are safe

16 What If Someone Doesn’t Believe You When You Tell?
Tell Someone Else Until Someone Believes You

17 Remember Everyone has the right to feel safe all the time including YOU!

18 Things To Know….

19 Basic Safety Rules For Children
Check First: Children should always check first with the adult in charge before going anywhere or making any changes in plans. Go With Friends: Children are safer when they are not alone. It’s My Body: This message empowers children to set personal limits. They learn that no one has the right to touch the parts of their body that are covered by a bathing suit, except parents when they are helping them bathe, or a doctor or nurse when they are sick. They have the right to resist inappropriate touching Tell a Trusted Adult: Children should be encouraged to ask a trusted adult for help anytime they feel threatened

20 I KNOW my name, address, telephone number, and my parents' names.
I always CHECK FIRST with my parents or the person in charge. I tell them before I go anywhere or get into a car, even with someone I know. I always CHECK FIRST with my parents or a trusted adult before I accept anything from anyone, even from someone I know. I always TAKE A FRIEND with me when I go places or play outside. I SAY NO if someone tries to touch me or treat me in a way that makes me feel scared, uncomfortable, or confused. It's OK to SAY NO, and I KNOW that there will always be someone who can help me. I KNOW that I can TELL my parents or a trusted adult if I feel scared, uncomfortable, or confused. I am STRONG, SMART, and have the right to be Safe

21 Activity Time Yes or No Students will be given a YES or NO sign, then they will be read scenarios in which they can decide to answer yes or no.

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