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LBJ -Lyndon Baines Johnson -became follower of FDR

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1 LBJ -Lyndon Baines Johnson -became follower of FDR -helped pass Civil Rights Act of 1957 -Johnson encouraged the nation to move past the assassination of JFK -sent Congress a program to fix the nation’s problems

2 LBJ -Lyndon Baines Johnson -became follower of FDR -helped pass Civil Rights Act of 1957 -Johnson encouraged the nation to move past the assassination -sent Congress a program to fix the nation’s problems

3 LBJ’s Agenda -large tax reductions -Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned discrimination -Unconditional War on Poverty 1964 State of the Union Head Start – helped underprivileged kids start school early (pre-k) for free Jobs Corps – helped young people (16-21) acquire job skills VISTA – domestic peace corp to fight poverty

4 Great Society -creating a higher Standard of living and providing equal opportunity were objectives of Great Society Over 60 programs passed -Secondary Education Act – gave $ to schools for materials and programs -Medicare – health ins. For elderly and young with disabilities -Medicaid – health ins. For low income families -HUD – (Housing and Urban Development Act) easier to get public housing

5 Government Protection
-Immigration Act 1965 -Department of Transportation -environmental protection Rachel Carson “Silent Spring” Water Quality & Clean Air Act -consumer protection Ralph Nader -Fair Packaging and Labeling Act

6 Government Protection
-Immigration Act 1965 -Department of Transportation -environmental protection Rachel Carson “Silent Spring” Water Quality & Clean Air Act -consumer protection Ralph Nader -Fair Packaging and Labeling Act

7 Warren Court -Chief Justice Earl Warren led the Supreme Court on an activist stance Court began to interpret rights in a broader fashion -Brown v. Board, 1954 -Mapp v. Ohio, 1961 -Gideon v. Wainwright, 1963 -Miranda v. Arizona, 1966

8 Impact of the Great Society
-Too much federal gov influence in peoples lives? - Too many programs and they don’t always work? -poor citizens expect handouts and do nothing on their own to improve their lives? -programs cost too much $ (deficit spending) -conservative backlash - Who’s lives were improved?

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