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Animal Farm-Historical Background

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Farm-Historical Background"— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Farm-Historical Background
SLOT-Week of 3/21-3/24

2 Animal Farm-Historical Background 16 March 2015
Grab a copy of the text from the table under the Promethean Board. Read and Annotate for Connections only. Highlight textual evidence Label and explain all annotations Text to Text Text to Self Text to World

3 Animal Farm-Historical Background 17 March 2015
Referencing paragraph #1, summarize what Karl Marx is best known for. Be sure to include parenthetical citation According to Marx, capitalists are .

4 Animal Farm-Historical Background 18 March 2015
Create a Double-Bubble Thinking Map comparing and contrasting Trotsky and Stalin and their beliefs for Russia. Create an appropriate guiding question. You must have a frame of reference.

5 Animal Farm-Historical Background 19 March 2015
Create a circle map to define how Russia changed under Stalin’s rule. Create an appropriate guiding question. You must have a frame of reference.

6 Animal Farm-Historical Background 20 March 2015
Referencing the text, respond to the following prompt in 1-2 paragraphs. Make sure to provide textual evidence to support your claim. Quote must be correctly embedded. What does it mean to abuse power? Explain.

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