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Elements of Art Principles of Design

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1 Elements of Art Principles of Design

2 The Basic Building Blocks of Art
Elements of Art The Basic Building Blocks of Art Line Shape Form Color Value Space Texture

3 Line An element of art that is used to define space, contours, and outlines, or suggest mass and volume. It may be a continuous mark made on a surface with a pointed tool or implied by the edges of shapes and forms

4 Line A continuous mark made on some surface by a moving point
A point that went for a walk

5 Line

6 Shape An enclosed space defined by other Elements of Art such as Line, Color, and Texture

7 Shape

8 Form An Element of Art that appears three-dimensional and encloses volume such as a cube, sphere, pyramid, or cylinder The three-dimensional representation of an object

9 Form

10 Color An art element with three properties
Hue Value Intensity Also, the character of surfaces created by the response of vision to wave lengths of reflected light

11 Color

12 Value An art element concerned with the degree of lightness of colors
Darker colors are lower in Value The lightness or darkness of a color

13 Value

14 Space An art element that indicates areas between, around, above, below, or within something

15 Space

16 Texture The surface quality of an artwork usually perceived through the sense of touch Texture can also be implied, perceived visually though not felt through touch

17 Texture

18 The basis for how the Elements of Art are arranged in an artwork
Principles of Design The basis for how the Elements of Art are arranged in an artwork Unity *Variety Emphasis Rhythm Movement Balance Pattern *Proportion Contrast

19 Unity A Principle of Design related to the sense of wholeness that results from the successful combination of the component elements of an artwork The overall sense that an artwork is seen as a whole

20 Unity

21 Variety Goes along with Unity
A principle concerned with the inclusion of differences in the elements of a composition to offset unity and add interest to an artwork

22 Variety

23 Emphasis A Principle of Design in which one element, or combination of elements, create more attention than anything else in a composition The dominant element is usually a focal point in a composition and contributes to unity by suggesting that other elements are subordinate to it

24 Emphasis Developing the points of interest to pull the viewer’s eye to important parts of the artwork

25 Emphasis

26 Rhythm A Principle of Design that refers to ways of combining elements to produce the appearance of movement in an artwork It may be achieved through repetition, alteration, or progression of an element

27 Rhythm

28 Movement A Principle of Design associated with Rhythm, referring to the arrangement of parts in an artwork to create a sense of motion to the viewer’s eye throughout the work

29 Movement

30 Balance A Principle of Design referring to the arrangement of visual elements to create stability in an artwork The overall sense of stability throughout a work of art

31 Balance

32 Pattern The repetition of elements or combinations of elements in a recognizable organization

33 Pattern

34 Proportion The scale that refers to the relationships of sizes of objects in the body of an artwork

35 Proportion

36 Contrast The differences between elements such as Color, Shape, or Texture

37 Contrast

38 Take all Elements of Art and Principles of Design into account when creating your artwork
Some will be more evident than others

39 Follow these 3 Basic Rules
IF ALL ELSE FAILS Follow these 3 Basic Rules Limit to Control Repeat to Unite Vary to Add Interest

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