2013 Data Corrections Riverside County Assessment Network September 27, 2013 Wes Scott.

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Presentation on theme: "2013 Data Corrections Riverside County Assessment Network September 27, 2013 Wes Scott."— Presentation transcript:

1 2013 Data Corrections Riverside County Assessment Network September 27, 2013
Wes Scott

2 Overview Why do data corrections What changed in 2013
What can be corrected Source of Data How identify what to correct Common data issue Making corrections 2 2

3 Why do data corrections
AYP or API Did not make API or AYP CDE data looks incorrect Had not finished by June 27, 2013 Want clean data Local Control Funding Formula 3 3

4 What Changed in 2013 2010-2011 and earlier 2011-2012
All data from STAR/CAHSEE student answer document (SAD) Continuous Enrollment from CALPADS Use STAR/CAHSEE information if no SSID match 30 day rule Alternative Education scores reassigned (T167) 4

5 What Changed in 2013 (cont.) 2012-2013
CALPADS used for most demographic information Race/Ethnicities (SINF) English Learner Subgroup (SINF) SED subgroup (SINF and SPRG) SWD subgroup (SPRG) 5 5

6 What can be corrected CALPADS Enrollment History
Exit Codes (SENR 1.23) Primary Language (SENR 1.22) English Proficiency (SINF 2.41) Date First Entered a US School (SINF 2.45) RFEP Date (SINF 2.42) RFEP 3-times proficient AFTER RFEP date (SINF 2.43) Parent Education Level (SINF 2.50) NSLP (SPRG 3.13; 181 or 182) 6 6

7 What can be corrected (cont.)
CALPADS Hispanic/Race (SINF ) Hispanic indicator 5 race columns (3-digit ethnicity codes) Intentionally left blank for Hispanic and races Disability codes (SPRG 3.21 where 3.13 = 144) Special Ed Exit Date (SPRG 3.16) SENR, SINF, SPRG Start date Exit date 7 7

8 What can be corrected (cont.)
8 8

9 What can be corrected (cont.)
CAHSEE SSID Local Student id/Gender/Date of Birth/Grade Assess by CAPA NPS County/District of residence Census/Makeup Met ELA/Math Requirement Non-demographic (extra ETS charge, require CDE approval) Score codes (certain codes only) Modifications (add or remove) 9 9

10 Source of Data SAD to CALPADS Matching Primary method SSID School code
Test Date between CALPADS start/end dates Closest date 30 day rule 10 10

11 Source of Data (cont.) SAD to CALPADS Matching (cont.)
Secondary Matching (aka Fuzzy Matching) Local student ID First name and Last name Date of Birth Gender Not used for continuous enrollment determination 11 11

12 Source of Data (cont.) If no match Blank/Unknown demographic data
Two or More Races Not in EL, SED or SWD subgroups Continuous Enrollment = Yes Blank/Unknown demographic data CDE looks outside current year data for a match Includes ‘intentionally left blank’ Hispanic/Race Business rules to be made available on CDE web site 12 12

13 Identifying What To Correct
CDE will make available Three data files Continuous enrollment data (like last year) Demographic data Four-year cohort graduation data Data files contain SAD data CALPADS data used Review of AYP/API results 13 13

14 Common Data Issues Tested but Not Enrolled
Not enrolled in district but tested If within 30 days of testing – continuous enrollment rules apply Test date not within CALPADS start/end date SSID match but no School match RFEP 3-times Proficient/Advanced Set to Yes when it should be No Disabilities/Special Ed Exit dates Incorrect student exit codes 14 14

15 Common Data Issues (cont.)
Blank SSID – 402 (STAR), 1585 (CAHSEE) Continuous enrollment set to Yes Two or more races – 7400 (STAR), 2849 (CAHSEE) Includes those with no SINF match Hispanic and race intentionally blank – 1201 (STAR), 197 (CAHSEE) Incorrect RFEP Prof/Adv – 2894 (STAR), 350 (CAHSEE) RFEP Prof/Adv 3-times is Y RFEP Date > 6/15/2010 15 15

16 Making Corrections CALPADS CAHSEE Available through October 31, 2013
ODS data Be careful with start/end dates CAHSEE Available through September 30, 2013 SSID and local student id Census/makeup values Assessed by CAPA County/District of Residence Modifications cost $100/student to correct 16 16

17 Making Corrections (cont.)
STAR Available September 16 – October 25 Must fax form to STAR TAC no later than October 10 Cost $630 plus 16 cents per student on the disk One at a time or batch mode SSID and local student ID CST/CMA Math Taken/Science Taken (will rescore) County/District of Residence Only in batch mode Accommodations/Modifications Special Testing Conditions Testing irregularities Inappropriate Test Preparation 17 17

18 Take Home CALPADS STAR/CAHSEE Do not let CDE decide demographics
Be sure it is correct and current Maintain diligently throughout the year Special attention to start and end dates STAR/CAHSEE SSID is critical Be sure fuzzy matching fields consistent Be sure updateable fields are accurate the first time Do not let CDE decide demographics 18 18

19 Contacts STAR CAHSEE CALPADS STAR TAC – 1-800-955-2954 STAR@ETS.ORG
CAHSEE TAC – CALPADS Support 19 19

20 Questions?

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