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Washington’s Foreign Policy

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2 Washington’s Foreign Policy

3 What’s going on in the world?

4 Then France declares war on Great Britain
French Revolution France fighting war for independence from King Louis XVI Americans are divided…so is Washington’s Cabinet Federalists Democratic-Republicans Oppose War Don’t want to help France Supports war Must help France Then France declares war on Great Britain Against monarchies

5 What to do? Treaty of 1778 But USA trades with BOTH!!!!
NEUTRAL!! Treaty of 1778 USA must help France b/c they helped us beat GB in the American Revolutionary War But USA trades with BOTH!!!! Washington declared USA as “friendly and impartial” to both (NEUTRAL!!!!)

6 French ambassador to the USA
Citizen Edmond Genet French ambassador to the USA Came to the USA and began recruiting American to fight in the French Revolution Helped spark support for the French cause Could cause major damage to Washington's Neutrality claim


8 GB pushes our buttons!!!! GB began intercepting our ships going to France!!!!! WHAT?! WHY?! GB also telling the Native Americans to attack western USA settlers. This pushes us to the BRINK of war in 1794!!

9 Conflicts with Indians
N.A. begin to attack American settlers in the Northwest part of USA British soldiers who lived in forts still in the USA territory encouraged Indians to rebel GB promised to pay $50 per scalp! CHEAP HAIRCUTS!!! The federal gov’t sent troops in to gain control!!!


11 Battle of Fallen Timbers 1794
Native Americans teamed up together and formed Miami Confederation Final battle of the NW Indian Wars Goal: defend lands in Northwestern part of USA Outcome: USA wins

12 Treaty of Greenville 1795 N.A. forced to give up bunch of land in the Northwest of USA Result: huge flow of American settlers by 1803, Ohio become state

13 More Problems with Indians
William H. Harrison got some N.A leaders together, got them drunk, and they signed over 3 million acres of land…led to conflicts KARMA BABY!!!!!!

14 Revenge!!! Tecumseh: tried to organize tribes to work together against white settlers (1805) Don’t sell your land, don’t drink the fire water, don’t copy white customs, etc.

15 Battle of Tippecanoe Prophet: led an attack against American troops led by W.H. Harrison Tecumseh told him not to attack while he was away…he did anyway Prophet gave his warriors “magic water” The Indians lost the battle and the confederation fell apart; but many Indians then fought on the side of the British in the War of 1812


17 Jay’s treaty 1795 Washington sent John Jay (Chief Justice) to GB to settle the problem What problem? GB doesn’t want to fight USA b/c busy fighting France Created Jay’s treaty GB leave forts in NW part of USA USA repay any pre-Revolutionary war debt GB pay any damages to Americaan ships but cont. impressment Still allowed to trade with GB “Most favored nation” status Americans hate the treaty


19 Other Foreign Policy Problems
USA wants access to Mississippi River but Spain owns it To get USA to leave them alone, Spain creates Pinckney's treaty Gave us access to Mississippi River The right to use port in New Orleans Western Farmers love it!!!

20 Goodbye Mr. Washington Before leaving office G.W. wrote a letter to American ppl Known as “Washington’s Farewell Address” Warned Americans about sectionalism Dangers of political parties Becoming too attached to any foreign nation

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