THE TET OFFENSIVE 1968 Lobj: to consider the impact of the Tet Offensive on US involvement in the Vietnam War.

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Presentation on theme: "THE TET OFFENSIVE 1968 Lobj: to consider the impact of the Tet Offensive on US involvement in the Vietnam War."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE TET OFFENSIVE 1968 Lobj: to consider the impact of the Tet Offensive on US involvement in the Vietnam War

2 Despite all their problems the US were still optimistic they could win the war.
USA had half a million troops in Vietnam ARVN (South Vietnamese) in control of Cities Countryside quiet – 100,000 VC killed in 1967

3 31st January’68 was the Tet Festival celebrating New Year.
Without warning the VC and NVA (North Vietnamese Army) launched attacks in the South. Cities & US military bases were targeted (new tactic – not guerrilla warfare) Hoped the South would support them & overthrow the Govt & kick out the US.

4 Over 100 places were attacked
Most imp. Attack was in Saigon (capital) US embassy & several radio stations were captured.

5 However… Within 48 hours the US and ARVN had taken back control
The people of the south did not support the Communists The Communists suffered heavy loses

6 REACTION US military saw it as a victory – 30,000 dead VC (they never recovered) NVA were going to play the major part the view of the US public was different – they saw the attack unfold on TV = shocked

7 US Public reaction Read papers – reported that thousands had been killed, civilian casualties, thousands of refugees. How could this happen? Weren’t America winning? Now they realised this war could not be won

8 Summary View war was lost was shared by politicians – General Westmoreland was refused a further 200,000 troops to “finish the job”. Credibility gap opened up – between what the Govt was telling people & when what they believed was true President LBJ – did not seek re-election in 1968 – Richard Nixon won (promised an end to the war)

9 Who won the Tet offensive?
NVA/VC 3 major offensives – January, May, August ARVN taken by surprise American embassy in Saigon captured LBJ did not get re elected US public lost faith in the war Large scale destruction in the south USA 45,000 NVA & VC killed VC destroyed in the South North Vietnamese morale fell – soldiers deserted ARVN did not crumble Peasants did not help the NVA/VC


11 Tasks. Who do you think gained the most from the Tet offensive: the Communists or the Americans? Explain your answer. Why did the American public believe that the Tet offensive was a defeat for the USA?

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