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Short Term Causes of the First World War

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1 Short Term Causes of the First World War
By Mr RJ Huggins 2004

2 Aims & Objectives To look at the short term causes of the First World War. Look at the role that nationalism played in the assassination of the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand. To understand the chain of events that led to the outbreak of the war.

3 Problems in the Balkans
Austria-Hungry controlled several Slav states in the Balkans. Some of these states looked to Russia, which had a similar language, religion & culture to protect them. Austria wanted to increase its power in the area and in particular wanted to take over Serbia. This caused tension in the Balklans. Austria took over Bosnia in 1908.

4 The Black Hand Gang In May 1911, ten men formed the Black Hand with the support of some of the members of the Serbian government. The aims of this organisation was to use violence to great a Greater Serbia. By 1914, the organisation had 2,500 members including, a young man called Gavrilo Princip.

5 The Assassination of the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand
When the Arch Duke announced that he was going to go on a state visit to Sarajevo in Bosnia, the Black Hand decided to assassinate him. On 28th June 1914, while through the streets of Sarajevo in their car, Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were shot and killed by Gavrilo Princip.

6 Aftermath of the Assassination
Princip was arrested and questioned. Austria blamed Serbia and threaten to attack her unless she gave into her demands.

7 The Chain of Events Britain warns Germany to leave Belgium alone!
Germany invades France through Belgium using the Schlieffen Plan. Austria threatens to punish Serbia. Russia warns Austria to leave Serbia alone. Britain declares war on Germany! Russia mobilises. Germany warns Russia to leave Austria alone. Austria gives Serbia a final deadline. France warns Germany to leave Russia alone.

8 Why did Britain declare war on Germany in 1914?
Britain had promised to protect Belgium if she was ever attacked. In order to defeat Russia and avoid fighting a war on two fronts the Germans had a secret plan to invade France through Belgium. The German generals didn’t expect Britain to keep her promise to Belgium When the Germans invaded Belgium using the Schlieffen Plan, Britain declared war on Germany.

9 What were the short term causes of the First World War?
2 minutes to write down 5 bullet points to answer this question. Feedback results into the thinking skills triangle with the most important at the top. Use the class results to write an answer to the question.

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