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Education, Health and Care Plans Sensory Service Implications

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1 Education, Health and Care Plans Sensory Service Implications
Tony Bowyer Sensory Service Lead Leeds City Council

2 The Leeds context Currently 180K CYP but 253K aged 0 - 25
2,000 statements 400 new statements last year Funding is not linked to statements – banded system Services can be accessed without statements Most sensory impaired children do not have a statement

3 Co-producing the new assessment process and EHC plan in Leeds
Development led by statutory SEN team Development assisted by working group from Education, Health, Social Care including - Sensory Service, paediatricians, therapy managers, parent/carer forum, the voluntary sector, transitions team and schools etc. CYP consulted at each stage of the planning

4 Features of producing an EHC Plan
A home visit by SEN case officer to each family upon request for assessment; to listen to their story and discuss outcomes and support the ‘tell us once’ approach Info gathered Multi-Agency Panel (MAP) meeting to make decisions whether to assess – can include sensory service professionals Families invited to MAP and take part in the discussions

5 Features of producing an EHC plan (2)
Common form for all advice givers that supports the outcomes model and collects the views, aspirations, strengths of the child Plan drafted A Next Steps meeting – family and professionals agree outcomes and the draft plan; and include the personal budget discussion Person centred plan produced Family can choose a key worker / facilitator - to support them at meetings etc. throughout

6 EHC pilot 6 families trialled the new process - including a pupil with visual impairment Moving target with the updates to the Code of Practice Initial feedback very positive Full feedback meetings with schools, families and professionals mid-July 2014 Speak to Rachel about Xanthe. We had to ensure mum could be included in the MAP by allowing her all the information on her IPAD.

7 Issues for Sensory Service - Time
Time required in new process to Produce more detailed and holistic reports with detailed outcomes, pupil views etc. Attend MAP decision making panels as required Attend Next Steps meeting – approx. 2 hours each Provide facilitator / key worker role if requested But - May save time by getting it right first time

8 Issues – greater numbers
Extended age range – 0 to 25 Extended range of settings - not just schools Post 19 students funding through EHC plan Greater awareness among professionals and parents Potential lure of personal budgets Conversion programme for statements

9 Issues - Professional development
Understanding the purpose, principles, process and paperwork Multi agency coordination – skills and language Gathering and reflecting true pupil voice, aspirations etc. Developing, articulating, delivering and measuring SMART outcomes Writing more person centred holistic advice Working as a key worker/facilitator

10 Issues – personal budgets
Social Care – creative thinking re short breaks, respite, support workers, local resources etc. Health - ? Education – what can be disaggregated? What will work in schools? Specificity versus personal budgets? Funding Element 3 – top up funding?

11 Thank you for listening

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