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Women’s use of information sources during the purchase process

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Presentation on theme: "Women’s use of information sources during the purchase process"— Presentation transcript:

1 Women’s use of information sources during the purchase process
Cars | Style & Fashion | Travelling | Health & Well-being | Food & Cooking | Cosmetics & Cosmetic Brands | Furniture & Decorating | Building & Renovating | Gardening | Home entertainment electronics & Information technology | Saving & investing Source: NRS MG + total 2016 Target group: women, n=4 810, est

2 ”Which of the following information sources you use when looking for ideas and tips of different products / when comparing quality and features of a product/service / when making a purchase decision?

3 Comparing / evaluating
Purchase process / Cars (women) Which of the following information sources you use when looking for ideas and tips of different products / when comparing quality and features of a product/service / when making a purchase decision? Ideas and tips Comparing / evaluating Purchase decision Print magazines 16 % Magazine websites 7 Blogs 1 3 Newspapers 18 15 Newspaper websites 5 4 Television 6 Radio © TNS

4 Comparing / evaluating
Purchase process / Style and fashion (women) Which of the following information sources you use when looking for ideas and tips of different products / when comparing quality and features of a product/service / when making a purchase decision? Ideas and tips Comparing / evaluating Purchase decision Print magazines 48 31 27 % Magazine websites 13 11 10 Blogs 15 Newspapers Newspaper websites 3 2 Television 12 9 6 Radio 1

5 Comparing / evaluating
Purchase process / Travelling (women) Which of the following information sources you use when looking for ideas and tips of different products / when comparing quality and features of a product/service / when making a purchase decision? Ideas and tips Comparing / evaluating Purchase decision Print magazines 37 27 23 % Magazine websites 14 12 11 Blogs 10 9 Newspapers 17 Newspaper websites 6 5 Television 15 7 Radio 2 1

6 Comparing / evaluating
Purchase process / Food and cooking (women) Which of the following information sources you use when looking for ideas and tips of different products / when comparing quality and features of a product/service / when making a purchase decision? Ideas and tips Comparing / evaluating Purchase decision Print magazines 54 38 30 % Magazine websites 28 16 13 Blogs 21 14 11 Newspapers 15 20 Newspaper websites 10 6 4 Television 12 9 Radio 1

7 Comparing / evaluating
Purchase process / Health and well-being (women) Which of the following information sources you use when looking for ideas and tips of different products / when comparing quality and features of a product/service / when making a purchase decision? Ideas and tips Comparing / evaluating Purchase decision Print magazines 42 30 26 % Magazine websites 12 10 9 Blogs 8 7 Newspapers 15 13 14 Newspaper websites 5 4 3 Television 6 Radio 2 1

8 Comparing / evaluating
Purchase process / Cosmetics and cosmetics brands (women) Which of the following information sources you use when looking for ideas and tips of different products / when comparing quality and features of a product/service / when making a purchase decision? Ideas and tips Comparing / evaluating Purchase decision Print magazines 36 28 24 % Magazine websites 10 11 Blogs 12 Newspapers 6 9 Newspaper websites 2 3 Television Radio 1

9 Comparing / evaluating
Purchase process / Furniture and decorating (women) Which of the following information sources you use when looking for ideas and tips of different products / when comparing quality and features of a product/service / when making a purchase decision? Ideas and tips Comparing / evaluating Purchase decision Print magazines 47 30 26 % Magazine websites 12 11 10 Blogs 8 Newspapers 14 Newspaper websites 3 Television 6 Radio

10 Comparing / evaluating
Purchase process / Building and renovating (women) Which of the following information sources you use when looking for ideas and tips of different products / when comparing quality and features of a product/service / when making a purchase decision? Ideas and tips Comparing / evaluating Purchase decision Print magazines 33 24 20 % Magazine websites 9 8 Blogs 7 5 Newspapers 10 12 14 Newspaper websites 2 3 Television Radio 1

11 Comparing / evaluating
Purchase process / Gardening (women) Which of the following information sources you use when looking for ideas and tips of different products / when comparing quality and features of a product/service / when making a purchase decision? Ideas and tips Comparing / evaluating Purchase decision Print magazines 46 29 25 % Magazine websites 10 9 8 Blogs 7 5 6 Newspapers 12 13 Newspaper websites 3 2 Television 14 Radio 1

12 Comparing / evaluating
Purchase process / Home entertainment and IT (women) Which of the following information sources you use when looking for ideas and tips of different products / when comparing quality and features of a product/service / when making a purchase decision? Ideas and tips Comparing / evaluating Purchase decision Print magazines 23 21 17 % Magazine websites 10 Blogs 4 5 6 Newspapers 15 14 16 Newspaper websites 3 Television 8 7 Radio 1

13 Comparing / evaluating
Purchase process / Saving and investing money (women) Which of the following information sources you use when looking for ideas and tips of different products / when comparing quality and features of a product/service / when making a purchase decision? Ideas and tips Comparing / evaluating Purchase decision Print magazines 22 17 16 % Magazine websites 6 Blogs 2 3 Newspapers 14 13 Newspaper websites 4 Television 5 Radio 1

14 All the results of National Readership Survey (NRS) for individual magazine titles can be found in Finnish Magazine Rate Cards service

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