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Marketing Bird Watching

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1 Marketing Bird Watching

2 BIRDING SITES A. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Onsite avifaunal information
Birders are information-driven people. Need a suite of bird/birding-related publication for dissemination (and even marketing and promotional activities) and to enhance birding experience. Information used MUST be accurate, up-to-date (as far as possible) and available in easy to use format. Site-specific bird checklist Site brochure and/or trail map News whiteboard Information desk Birding walks

> Birding infrastructure development and enhancement For every birding site, basic (birding) infrastructures proposed below should be considered, where suitable. Network of trails Trail signages Information boards (which can contain bird/birding-related information) Hides (permanent and/or portable) Boardwalk Watching tower Canopy walkway Interpretative centre More importantly, these infrastructures should be maintained regularly.

Three factors for consideration: >> Site accessibility >> Birds and access to see them. >> Accommodation (able to cater to groups) Identification of possible birding routes. Deciding number of routes possible, probably one for Sarawak, adapting the present one for Sabah so that there are several variations, and three for Peninsular – northern (Perlis State Park - Langkawi - Royal Belum - Maxwell Hill) and central (the present standard route) and southern (Johor based). Gathering of information on the ground Writing and designing route brochure Placing of route brochure on website. Marketing of route Developing ideas for a possible booth at the British Bird Fair or Taiwan Bird Fair to market the route.

5 WHAT ARE WE SELLING? Main Emphasis on…
Charismatic species Unique Asian families High diversity ……SAFE COUNTRY & GOOD ACCESSIBILITY. Additional selling points: >> Tropical rainforest & wildlife (e.g. primates, large mammals) >> Supporting attractions e.g. culture, amazing flora (e.g. Rafflesia) etc.

6 Who & Where do we sell to? Targets markets:
1) INTERNATIONAL BIRDING MARKET Continued investment in existing source European countries. Explore new markets e.g. East Asia (Taiwan, Japan, Singapore), Australia, South Africa. Independent and opportunistic birders. 2) SPECIALIST TOUR OPERATORS Important in helping to market and promote new birding routes once ready. Therefore, maintain communications. 3) LOCAL BIRDERS/GENERAL NATURALIST MARKET Local birders provide year-round support to birding sites. Also important in generating new bird information. Effective advertisement through word of mouth. General ecotourists warrant attention for their growing support base.

Develop website on birding in Malaysia >> one-stop information centre Easy to maintain and update. Cost of development lower.


9 2) Printed materials B. MARKETING & PROMOTIONS
> Field guides, birding directories, site-specific brochures, checklists

10 3) Trade fairs/shows
Marketing and promotions at specialised international ‘trade fairs’ i.e. bird fairs esp. annual British Birdwatching Fair. Attend regional bird fairs e.g. Taiwan Bird Fair Consider ecotourism trade fairs. Marquee/Large Tents

11 6) Familiarization trips
B. MARKETING & PROMOTIONS 4) Popular magazines Advertisements in well-known magazines e.g. BirdingASIA, Birdwatch, Birdwatching, Asian Geographic, Malaysian Naturalist, etc. 5) Local media Promotion of new birding sites within the country in local newspapers and coverage in travel sections. 6) Familiarization trips Familiarization trips can be arranged for foreign birding tour operators to highlight potential new birding sites and routes once the necessary foundations have been put in place.

12 components of the birding tourism
Sites and habits Supporting resources Number of species Endemic species Congregations (large group of birds) Speciality birds / “hot” species Specific behaviour of species Rarity of the bird family

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