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Welcome to Emerald Eagles

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Emerald Eagles"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Emerald Eagles
Class Teacher Miss K. Matthews Classroom Support Vicky Newth PPA cover: Mrs M. Hunt

2 Learning Journeys Terms 1 & 2 T2 W3 T2 W3-7 T1 – T2 W2
Anti-Bullying Week T1 – T2 W2 Time Travellers: Who killed Marcus Antonius? (A Roman Murder Mystery) T2 W3-7 Christmas (A Christmas Carol)

3 The Apprentice: Puppet Masters
Learning Journeys Terms 3 & 4 T3 The Apprentice: Puppet Masters (Varmints) T4 Bookworms: The Highwayman

4 Learning Journeys Terms 5 & 6 T6 T5
Living World: (South Malling Zoo) T6 Globe Trotters: (Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest)

5 Please wait for your children in the same place as you did last year.
Daily Routine 8:45 Say goodbye at the gate. Packed lunches should be left in the rabbit hutch, snacks taken to the classroom. 8:55 Children come into the school to hang their coats. Register opens. 9:10 Register closes. 10:45 Break time (15 minutes) 12:30 Lunch time (1 hour) 13:30 Afternoon class 3:15 Home time Please wait for your children in the same place as you did last year.

6 Intervention Groups Intervention groups are run during assembly as well as in the afternoon. These focus on core skills. Some groups are set and will follow a programme of study; whereas, others are more flexible and will respond to what children found difficult during previous sessions or prepare them for lessons to come. This focus on core skills means children will sometimes miss parts of afternoon subjects such as PE and ICT. However, the length and timing of the groups will be varied so children will not miss out regularly on a specific subject.

7 Home school agreement Attendance
In October , when we have our first parent consultations we will be asking you to sign the home school agreement once again . Attendance The expectation is that attendance should be a minimum of 95%. We do appreciate however that children do get ill. Please wait for your children in the same place as you did last year.

8 Core Focus In Year 5, we very much focus on embedding the core Literacy and Numeracy skills – this focus allows children to become more independent in their learning.

9 Reading Every Day Children will be taking home 2 books. One will a free choice book from our book corner/book from home. The other will be their guided reading book or a book at an appropriate level from the Year 5/6 bookworms challenge or school library. They are expected to read at home for 20 minutes+ every day, reading bookmarks will be used to record this. Some children will require more adult support and supervision than others. More able readers will be able to talk to someone at home about what they’ve read and discuss the characters and plot. Less confident readers will require an adult to supervise their reading and support them with strategies to read unknown words.

10 Reading Books We will be supplying plastic wallets to keep all their books in. Please can the reading books be kept in good condition and returned to the class when finished. Guided reading books should be returned when they have their session with me. We are asking all children to bring their books in a school book bag. Rucksacks will not be permitted due to cloakroom space. They will only be required for school trips and sports events. We will now be asking for replacements or payment for those that are have been lost or badly damaged.

11 Number Bonds / Times Tables Everyday
In Year 5, the children should be learning to recall all their times tables 12 x 12 with speed and accuracy! They also need to know addition and subtraction facts. Once they are secure with these, they can move on to learn the related division facts or extend to applying them to solve related multiplication such as 50 x 6 = 300…

12 Spellings Once a week, your child will be given new spellings to copy into their Spelling book. They should practise these spellings 3 more times throughout the week. In class, we will use these spellings as part of our handwriting practice, and for specific spelling activities.

13 PE Kits Children should wear purple shorts, a white t-shirt and have tracksuit bottoms and sports trainers for PE. There is one long PE session and several shorter sessions per week. Please bring PE kits in a small drawstring bag for the first day of each term and take them home to wash during the holidays.

14 Behaviour Expectations and Rewards
Middle of the Sun certificates will be awarded on a daily basis, to children who have shown excellent effort or attitude. Great learning certificates are also awarded when children demonstrate outstanding learning during a lesson. We will award Stars of the Week certificates in our Friday celebration assembly. The grey cloud and the black cloud are used as behaviour sanctions. Children on the grey cloud will miss 5 minutes of their playtime. Children on the black cloud will go to another class with their work for 30 minutes.

15 Possible Trips Term 1: Fishbourne Palace Term 4: Drama workshop
Term 4: Bikeability (c. £10) Term 5: Southease Youth Hostel stay (c. £35)? Term 4: possible visiting Zoo to South Malling Term TBC: Swimming

16 Holiday Home Learning Over the Summer holidays, the children have been asked to find out about an area of the Romans that interests them. They can present their learning in any way that they choose, for example, a poster, a model or a digital presentation.

17 How can you help? Home Learning – reading, times tables and number facts as often as possible. In the classroom - Guided reading sessions, special topic days (Art & science) On trips - Please let us know when you are available on the slips provided nearer the time.


19 About me…

20 What about you?

21 Time capsule Write to your future self: What will you say… What have you enjoyed and achieved this year? What are your hopes and dreams for next year?

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