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American and French Revolutions

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1 American and French Revolutions

2 Government in US Colonies are ruled by England and had to follow their laws. George III is King Colonies have control over themselves and make their own governments. Colonies had a lot of independence, and were growing very quickly due to trade with other countries.

3 Reasons for Revolution
Navigation Act Colonists had to sell goods to Britain only and tax on imported foreign goods. Stamp Act Tax to pay for French and Indian War on printed materials. (Due to debt raised from French and Indian War.) Tea Act led to Boston Tea party. Colonists upset about taxes and Great Britain trying to assert more control over them.

4 Events in Revolution 1776 Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson. French help the colonists to win their independence from Great Britain because they are arch-rivals.

5 Outcome of Revolution Form the Articles of Confederation which limited the role of the National Government. Call for Constitutional Convention to revise the Constitution. New Constitution included… Federal System - division of fed. & state govt. Bill of Rights to protect citizens. System of Checks and Balances with 3 Branches

6 Government in France 3 Estates in France
1st Estate : Clergy (own 10% of land and contribute money to govt.) 2nd Estate : Wealthy Nobles (own 20% of land and pay no taxes) 3rd Estate : Every one else 97% Bourgeoisie : educated and wealthy and paided high taxes. Workers : paid low wages and high unemployment. Very poor. Peasants : half of their income went to church, king and nobles. 80% of population.

7 Govt. of France continued…
Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette put the countries deeper into dept. Part was inherited and part was due to their spending. Banks would not loan them more money so they had to tax the people. When Marie Antoinette was asked what to do about the lack of bread for the poor she replied “let them eat cake”. (not sure if she really said this but shows how French people felt about her and her attitude)

8 Reasons for Revolution
King began to tax the 2nd estate to pay for debt (had be exempt in the past) Economic problems due to the high taxes. Cost of living was going up. Famine due to the economy and shortage of food production (weather).

9 Events in the Revolution
2nd Estate forces King to call meeting of Estates General (representatives from all estates) to approve taxes. (May 1789) Meetings unfair because all estates met and each had a vote and the upper to estates always outvoted the 3rd. Third estate argues that they should form a National Assembly where all delegates meet together and each person’s vote would count (giving advantage to 3rd estate since they are the largest)

10 Events Continued June 20, 1789 the Third Estate was locked out of meeting and met on nearby tennis court. Vowed to not leave until they had drawn up a new constitution = Tennis Court Oath. People in Paris afraid of invading troops sent by the King to stop the Assembly. They prepare for attack and storm the Bastille. Great Fear - panic that spreads throughout France while government is in limbo.

11 Outcome Louis and Marie Antoinette fled Versailles when angry women storm the castle protesting bread famine. Represents the change of power in France.

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