2017 ServiStar Users Group Orlando, FL

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Presentation on theme: "2017 ServiStar Users Group Orlando, FL"— Presentation transcript:

1 2017 ServiStar Users Group Orlando, FL

2 Accountability Defined
A personal choice to rise above one’s circumstances and demonstrate the ownership necessary for achieving desired results.

3 The Question Behind The Question
John G. Miller

4 by asking better questions of ourselves.
QBQ Definition: A tool that enables individuals to practice personal accountability on making better choices in the moment by asking better questions of ourselves.

5 3 Simple Guidelines for Creating QBQ!
1. Begin with what or how-not why, when, or who 2. Contains “I”-not they, we, or you 3. Focus on the action

6 QBQ: QuickNotes Let’s take the accountability challenge!

7 Does this sound familiar?
Who dropped the ball? Why do we have to change things all the time? When will that branch/department do their job right? Why can’t everyone pull their own weight? When will we hire more people? When will we find better people? Why don’t they provide more training? Why can’t they communicate effectively? Why are we always under-staffed?


9 The Blame Game Destroys morale Reduces creativity Lowers productivity
Increases fear Drives wedges between people and departments Breaks down teams

10 The Victim Others don’t work as hard as I do. It’s not fair.
My boss doesn’t seem to care. It’s not fair. My staff doesn’t “get it”. It’s not fair. My co-workers are difficult to work with. It’s not fair. I don’t have enough time to coach. It’s not fair. These goals are too high. It’s not fair.

11 Actually… It just is.


13 How do we increase accountability?
Ask different questions. What can I do to contribute? How can I make a difference? What can I learn from this experience? How can I work to solve the problem? Embrace the mindset: “I’m personally accountable for every choice I make.” Practice personal accountability and stop worrying about everyone else.

14 Personal accountability begins with
you ME!


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