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Liaison Orientation October 2010

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Presentation on theme: "Liaison Orientation October 2010"— Presentation transcript:

1 Liaison Orientation October 2010
IT Assessment Liaison Orientation October 2010

2 Project Objectives Take a snapshot of current state
Develop framework for re-balancing services Immediate opportunities Principles for the future Strengthen key enablers including governance, priority setting and funding practices

3 Plan ` Pre-project planning Design analysis/ Interviews
Phase March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec/Jan Feb/ Mar Pre-project planning Design analysis/ Interviews ` Gather quantitative and qualitative data Analysis Discuss results Design Improvements to Governance Recommendations & Action Plans

4 Structure Project Advisory Committee Project Executive Committee
Work Team Project Executive Committee Technology Provider Input Faculty, Student and Staff Input

5 Data Collection Effort
Snapshot of University’s total IT investment Involves all parts of the University Collects three kinds of data Commitment of staff by activity Spending by type of expenditure Services by IT organization

6 How the Data Will Be Used
Find opportunities to better utilize total IT resources through the creation of additional common services. Identify gaps in service or resources that are making it difficult for departments, colleges or campuses to meet IT needs. Discover internal best practices by providing a basis to compare IT services and investments among units.

7 Role of the Liaison Plan and coordinate the data collection effort for your area. Serve as a liaison to the project work team. Identify issues and questions during the data collection process. Assist us to interpret the data for your area.

8 Data Collection Process
Liaison Orientation Structure Data Collection Assemble Local Team Collect Data Review with Project Team Timeline Data collection can begin right away Data is due to the project team by November 22

9 Data Collection Structure
Areas with large or multiple IT groups will want to sub-divide the data collection effort Web tool can support two levels Excel templates will be provided to areas that need three or more levels of hierarchy Area Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Sub-unit 1 Sub-unit 2

10 Data Collection Aids List of IT personnel
Summary expenditure report from IBIS Excel templates Definitions of terms ITS Consultants and project consultant will be available throughout the process to support liaisons.

11 Data Collection Forms Personnel PA.asp Expenditures NPE.asp Services SS.asp

12 Your Questions

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