SIE 515 Touch and Haptics Class 19.

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Presentation on theme: "SIE 515 Touch and Haptics Class 19."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIE Touch and Haptics Class 19

2 Today’s Schedule Touch as a spatial sense
Three subsystems: Cutaneous, kinesthetic, and haptic Tactile acuity differs across the body surface Exploratory procedures with touch Interface design and touch Types of haptic displays: Force feedback, cutaneous, and vibrotactile

3 Touch and Other Spatial Senses
Similarities and differences of audition, touch and vision. No localized sense organ, receptors distributed across body surface Front-back disparity Three subsystems of touch: cutaneous, kinesthetic, and haptic

4 Cutaneous System Contains three types of sensory receptors:
Thermoreceptors: Temperature sensing Mechanoreceptors: Pressure sensing Nociceptors: Pain sensing Mechanoreceptors most relevant to HCI and touch-based interfaces Two primary types of mechanoreceptors

5 Sensory Homunculus

6 Tactile two point acuities across the body
Source: Wolfe et al., 2008

7 Kinesthetic System Receives input from receptors in muscles, tendons, and joints Three types of receptors: Fast adapting receptors Slowly adapting receptors Positional receptors

8 Haptic System Haptics based on combined inputs from cutaneous and kinesthetic systems Haptics = active touch Haptic perception: Based on material properties Different from visual properties Haptic space perception

9 Exploratory procedures
Source: Wolfe et al., 2008

10 Vertical Horizontal Illusion

11 Interface Design and Touch
Often used as part of another interface (secondary) Most obvious is tactile feedback from input devices Common feature: Feel, pressure, travel Common interfaces: Keyboard, mouse, steering wheel, etc.

12 Touch as a Primary Interface
Often have no physical interaction with objects in computer-based systems Source:

13 Three Types of Haptic Displays
Why are touch interfaces not more common? As a primary interface: Force-feedback devices Cutaneous devices Vibro-tactile devices

14 Phantom force feedback haptic device

15 Cutaneous Device

16 Touchscreen-based vibro-tactile interface
Vibrotactile array Optacon Touchscreen-based vibro-tactile interface

17 For Next Class Assignment 17: Designing a New Smart Device
Task 1: Smart devices (phones, tablets, and watches) are fast becoming the hub for multiple input-output technologies and embedded sensors supporting myriad tasks of daily life. Come up with two novel uses of smart devices to perform useful tasks or solve common problems. Task 2: Describe the new technology, if any, that would need to be integrated to support these tasks. Creatively capitalize on the increasingly sensor rich nature for input/output in these devices. Describe how your two tasks are supported by the technology, interface design, and the intended user group. Task 3: Post by 11:59PM on 4/6/16, and be prepared to comment on your fellow student’s ideas.

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