Countable and uncountable nouns

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1 Countable and uncountable nouns
Primary Longman Elect 3A Chapter 2 Countable and uncountable nouns

2 There are two types of nouns.
Countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

3 Countable nouns We can count the number of the object.
We use ‘a’ or ‘an’ before it when there is only one. We add ‘s’, ‘es’ or ‘ies’ when there is more than one. We use ‘some’ when there is more than one. e.g. an egg  some eggs a tomato  some tomatoes

4 Countable nouns an egg a tomato a hamburger a banana

5 Uncountable nouns We cannot count the number of the object.
We never use ‘a’ or ‘an’ before it when there is only one. We never add ‘s’, ‘es’ or ‘ies’ when there is more than one. We use ‘some’ when there is more than one. e.g. rice  some rice pork  some pork

6 Uncountable nouns milk butter cheese meat

7 Are the objects below countable or uncountable nouns?

8 Are the objects below countable or uncountable nouns?

9 Are the objects below countable or uncountable nouns?

10 Are the objects below countable or uncountable nouns?

11 Are the objects below countable or uncountable nouns?

12 Are the objects below countable or uncountable nouns?

13 When there are two or more of the object, we can add ‘s’, ‘es’ or ‘ies’ to the end of the word. We call this the plural.

14 Countable nouns — plural
cakes sandwiches cherries

15 We can’t count these words. We never add an ‘s’ to uncountable nouns.

16 Uncountable nouns milk tea jam

17 We use some with uncountable nouns.

18 Some + uncountable nouns
some pork some tea some soup

19 We can use some with countable nouns too.
some = more than one

20 Some + countable nouns some vegetables some noodles

21         Countable nouns Uncountable nouns Can count?
Use ‘a’ / ‘an’? + ‘s’ / ‘es’ / ‘ies’ for plural? Use ‘some’?

22 Practice Fill in the blanks. some 1 _______ congee a 2 _______ pear

23 Practice Fill in the blanks. an 3 _______ apple some 4 _______ rice

24 Practice Do we need to add ‘a’ or ‘some’?
Are they countable or uncountable? _____ congee some countable

25 Practice Do we need to add ‘a’ or ‘some’?
Are they countable or uncountable? _____ sausages some countable

26 Practice Do we need to add ‘a’ or ‘some’?
Are they countable or uncountable? _____ salt salt uncountable

27 Practice Do we need to add ‘a’ or ‘some’?
Are they countable or uncountable? _____ peach a countable

28 The End

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