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your 3d Turning your line drawing into a 3dimensional character

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1 your 3d Turning your line drawing into a 3dimensional character

2 Photoshop tip-removing a background from a picture
Click and drag your object the control c copy make a new layer and paste on new layer

3 Delete this layer


5 Colouring the body to separate parts for shading

6 Select the elliptical marquee tool
Circle then fill the circle then you can reshape the round to fit the eye

7 Rearrange layers so they sit behind or in front of the image to make it work

8 Mike drawing Mask folder Hat Teeth Tongue Mouth Shine Pupil Inner eye Eye outside Legs Arms Body Clipboard background Make a shadows folder, with mikes drawing-take mikes drawing and take the opacity down to 20%

9 Working on the shadow layer
Select the body for shadowing but working on the shadow layer Shadow layer Working layer selection Hint with this guy it would have been best to make the shadows a more blue black and not black black

10 We know how to do the inside of the eye, but what about the outside of the selection. Select your part of the body, write click and select INVERSE . Now you can shade the outside of the shape. Making thing pop. DON’T FORGET TO GO BACK TO YOUR SHADOW LAYER TO DO YOUR WORK shadows Have you lost your brush hit caps lock to find your brush again

11 On the shadow layer select his hat rim with the poly tool then inverse to get the shadow
You can use shapes

12 Right click when you have selected with the polygon lasso tool to get the out selection normal selection is the inner Shadow layer

13 New folder called ambient light
Make a background layer0 the first layer of your layer mask Take your shape tool then fill with black Now we start make our light effects

14 Light layer My light layer is a bit bright so I took the opacity down
Going back to the mask layers I have brightened the original mask colours Tools you can use to finalise your creature Paint brush Smudge tool He still needs fine tuning but you get the idea of how to make a 3d character from a line drawing


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