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3 I. Slave Trade A. Slaves were needed for labor in American Empires B. African traders captured other Africans



6 II. Triangle Trade A. Europe: Exported Manufactured goods to Africa and colonies. B. Africa: Exported slaves to Americas (Colonies). C. The Americas (Colonies): exported Raw materials.


8 The Middle Passage

9 III. Middle Passage: Journey from Africa to Americas.
A. “Floating coffins”: ~10 – 15 million slaves died of disease, brutal treatment & suicide.

10 “The closeness of the place, and the heat of the climate which was so crowded that each had scarcely room to turn himself, almost suffocated us. This produced foul perspirations, so that the air soon became unfit for respiration, from a variety of loathsome smells.” ~excerpts from, The Black Experience: A Slaves Account of the Middle Passage

11 Some poured melted lead on slaves who were on hunger strikes
Some poured melted lead on slaves who were on hunger strikes. Another method used to get them to eat was a device called the speculum oris. It was a wooden instrument that was forced into the mouths of slaves. Then a thumb screw would be turned, causing the instrument to open like a pair of pliers. Once the slaves mouth was open, food was forced down it, often causing intense gagging and vomiting.


13 “If the Atlantic were to dry up, it would reveal a scattered pathway of human bones, African bones marking the various routes of the Middle Passage.” ~slave ship captain


15 A former slave ship captain, John Newton became sympathetic to the slaves and later became a minister. On one journey, his ship was in a terrible storm and almost sunk. He felt that it was a divine intervention and that he was meant to stop the slave trade. He wrote the hymn, Amazing Grace in response to his feelings of guilt. Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound) That sav’d a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see.





20 The Auction… “He took me by the hand and led me out to the middle of the road, and turning me slowly around, exposed me to the view of those who attended the auction. I was soon surrounded by strange men who examined and handled me in the same way that a butcher would a calf or a lamb he was about to purchase. I was then put up for sale.



23 New Life Slave auctions -sold to highest bidder Forced to work in mines or fields or as domestic servants. 2. Worked long days and suffered beatings.

24 V. Results A. African population declined B. Entire communities disappeared C. African culture brought to Americas

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