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Bibliography or Source Card Most recent publication date

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1 Bibliography or Source Card Most recent publication date
Indent 2nd & 3rd lines Use punctuation marks Number each card 1 Clark, Edwin. The Cultural Life of the American Colonies. New York: Harcourt, Brace, and World, Inc., Title Place (city) of publication Author’s last name first Publisher Most recent publication date

2 Note Card The number matches your source card, so you do not have to write the title. Use quotation marks Subject 1 Food “Bread was baked daily except on Sunday due to religious observances in the colonies. Each colony had different types of bread, but they/ were all eventually baked commercially in brick ovens fueled by wood fires.” pp Direct quote Page numbers When you go from one page to another draw a line so you will know which part of the quote goes on which page.

3 The only difference is the quotation marks.
When you put the information in your own words or paraphrase: The only difference is the quotation marks. Food 1 The bread was baked/ in brick ovens heated by wood. pp Note Card

4 Professional Internet Source
Second source card and its note cards are labeled “2.” Company, university, government, etc. Titles 2 Jones, Lee. “Zeus.” University of Chicago. 1 May /mythology. Period Address Date you accessed the web site Date you accessed the web site Author If there is no author, start with the title. If there is a second author, do not invert his/her name.

5 Magazine title underlined
Periodicals: Magazines, newspapers, and pamphlets Magazine title underlined Article’s title in quotation marks 3 Marin, John. “Making Music,” Life. 28 (May 1971): Page numbers Publication date in parentheses Volume number If there is no author, start with the article’s title.

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