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FLSC Operations 2017 OPS Duties.

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Presentation on theme: "FLSC Operations 2017 OPS Duties."— Presentation transcript:

1 FLSC Operations 2017 OPS Duties

2 OPS Manager Duties Get weather forecast for the day (800-WX-BRIEF)
Bring FLSC Base Radio and battery to picnic table and hook up for operation Open Hangar Door and OPS Trailer. Organize moving tow planes and gliders out of the hangar at the beginning of each day. Assign people to handle moving equipment. Meet with Instructor and Tow Pilot on what runway is to be used for operations. Assign Inspection of Tow Rope and hook up to Tow Plane Keep List of the people flying based on field appearance order at field or consultation with Instructor based on Instructor scheduling

3 OPS Manager Duties (Continued)
Assign Wing Runner and Forward Signal Person for each tow. Log each tow on OPS Sheet Pilot Instructor Tow Pilot/Tow Plane Time of Take Off Time of Landing Tow Height (May be taken off Tow Pilot’s Tow Log) If Ride Person’s Name How paid (Cash/Pay Pal/Square (David Ruskauff presentation) Ride and/or FAST Application filled out) Fast Coupon Filled Out Fiil out Cash Log Neatness and Legibility are required for accurate billing Neatness and Legibility also helps Receiving Treasurer’s Happiness and General Frame of Mind if writing or perceived hieroglyphics are easy to interpret. Working on getting Ops Log on tablet computer for ease of logging flights

4 OPS Sheet and Cash Log

5 OPS Manager Duties (Continued)
OPS Manager should assign work to be done to people on the field. End of the Day Assign People to put Gliders and Tow Planes back in hangar. Determine who directs packing of hangar. Clean Gliders, dust, bugs etc. Clean Canopies if trained Make sure Gliders and Tow Planes are hooked up to battery chargers Collect Tow Sheet from Tow Pilot. Determine tow heights from Tow Sheet and transfer to OPS sheet Calculate total time flown for each glider and enter into glider Logbooks in Clubhouse Office. Sign Logbook Entry. Put OPS Sheet and Tow Log into Stamped Envelope addressed to Receiving Treasurer. If monies are collected for rides, put Ride Applications and FAST Sheets/Coupons in envelope. Cash should not be sent through mail. Make out check for the required amount.

6 OPS Manager Duties (Continued)
Mail the OPS Logs/ Tow Log/Cash Log/Monies/Checks or give to Receiving Treasurer if on field Make sure Hangar Door is closed and hangar locked. Lock Ops trailer. Lock Clubhouse and lower Thermostat to 50 Deg. Make sure all gates are locked upon leaving.

7 Questions Who assigns Wing Runner and Front Signal Person?
Who gets the Weather Briefing? Who determines order of people flying? What is used to determine Member Tow Costs?

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