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Primary Longman Elect 4B Chapter 5 Text Type Notices.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Longman Elect 4B Chapter 5 Text Type Notices."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Longman Elect 4B Chapter 5 Text Type Notices

2 Notices It’s time to look at notices again.

3 Notices give information. They can be simple or colourful
Notices give information. They can be simple or colourful. They can have pictures or just writing.

4 Remember that notices are aimed at groups of people
Remember that notices are aimed at groups of people. Who is this notice for? Pay attention to the title and the description of the event.

5 It’s for young people. The notice invites them to enter a writing competition.

6 Important information is clearly presented using headings.
What you can win. Competitions often have categories so people of similar ages compete against each other. What you need to do to take part. The rules that everyone must follow.

7 We can also see the name of the organiser and the name of the organiser’s campaign.
A person to contact for more information. When the results will be announced.

8 Where can you see this notice?

9 Hospital School Apartment building Cinema

10 Let’s take a look at another example.

11 Please contact Silvia Deng
Visit Hong Kong Campaign Writing Competition We are inviting young people to enter our writing competition. You should write between 200 and 500 words on the theme of ‘Hong Kong - the perfect tourist destination’. Rules Each person can only enter once Hong Kong Tourism Please contact Silvia Deng on for more information. Ages 6 to 19 Ages 10 to 15 Ages 16 to 18 Categories your entry to on or before July 1st. How to enter 1st Prize $1,000 cash and your article published in HK Tourism magazine 2nd Prize 2 tickets to Ocean Park Prizes David is 16 years old. How many words should he write? Everyone should write between 200 and 500 words. Can he enter by post? No, he should his completed entry.

12 Please contact Silvia Deng
Visit Hong Kong Campaign Writing Competition We are inviting young people to enter our writing competition. You should write between 200 and 500 words on the theme of ‘Hong Kong - the perfect tourist destination’. Rules Each person can only enter once Hong Kong Tourism Please contact Silvia Deng on for more information. Ages 6 to 19 Ages 10 to 15 Ages 16 to 18 Categories your entry to on or before July 1st. How to enter 1st Prize $1,000 cash and your article published in HK Tourism magazine 2nd Prize 2 tickets to Ocean Park Prizes Who is organising the competition? Hong Kong Tourism.

13 Please contact Silvia Deng
Visit Hong Kong Campaign Writing Competition We are inviting young people to enter our writing competition. You should write between 200 and 500 words on the theme of ‘Hong Kong - the perfect tourist destination’. Rules Each person can only enter once Hong Kong Tourism Please contact Silvia Deng on for more information. Ages 6 to 19 Ages 10 to 15 Ages 16 to 18 Categories your entry to on or before July 1st. How to enter 1st Prize $1,000 cash and your article published in HK Tourism magazine 2nd Prize 2 tickets to Ocean Park Prizes Sam wants to write two articles. Can he? No, he can only enter once.

14 Please contact Silvia Deng
Visit Hong Kong Campaign Writing Competition We are inviting young people to enter our writing competition. You should write between 200 and 500 words on the theme of ‘Hong Kong - the perfect tourist destination’. Rules Each person can only enter once Hong Kong Tourism Please contact Silvia Deng on for more information. Ages 6 to 19 Ages 10 to 15 Ages 16 to 18 Categories your entry to on or before July 1st. How to enter 1st Prize $1,000 cash and your article published in HK Tourism magazine 2nd Prize 2 tickets to Ocean Park Prizes Kate wants to know if she can include pictures in her article. Who can she ask? She can call Silvia Deng.

15 The End

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