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Using excel to create a budget

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1 Using excel to create a budget
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2 Task You have $65.00 dollars to spend for school supplies. You will keep some supplies for your own use and donate some to students in other classes. You should purchase as much as you can up to the $65.00 limit without going over. You will use Microsoft excel to create a spreadsheet showing your expenses as well as what you have leftover. Your data will be displayed in a chart as well as on a data table

3 Here is what your finished product will look like

4 Here are the prices of school supplies

5 To start your budget: 1) First, type a title at the top, (Amy's Shopping Budget). 2) Then type your data in column A: (Allowance, Expense items) 3) Next, type your numbers in column B as shown below. No need to add dollar signs now, we'll do that later.

6 1. Once all your data is entered, you may need to widen the columns to make room for long words or numbers. Here is how you do it.

7 2) How to Merge and Center the Spreadsheet Title

8 3) How to Format the Budget Numbers with Dollar Signs

9 4) How to Calculate the Total Expenses or Money Spent using Autosum

10 5) How to Calculate any Profit or Money Left Over in a Budget

11 6) How to Create the Chart with Your Data and Numbers Charts are visual aids to help you analyze numbers or trends. Create a chart showing your expenses to see where the money went.

12 7) How to Make Your Chart Look Better by Changing the Chart's Bar Colors Make your chart easier to read and more visually appealing by adding color to your charts.

13 8) Improve Your Chart with a New Layout and Design Add titles and labels to your charts with a new layout or design

14 Finished! Don’t forget to save your spreadsheet on your OneDrive account You can use the rubric on the next page to grade your work!


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