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What is important to know?

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Presentation on theme: "What is important to know?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is important to know?
Parenting What is important to know?

2 Janice asks As a parent I want to take care of my child the best I can. But sometimes it is not easy! There are so many challenges to deal with! And I also see other parents struggling! I wish I could share with other parents how they deal with all this! A parents group will help!

3 Through this presentation you will learn:
….the importance of parenting ….how to use this manual ….which themes can be discussed in the parents group

4 Parenting is … Parenting is raising a child from the moment it is born till it is grown up. Even the care of the baby while still in the womb can be considered parenting, since you have to take care of the unborn baby.

5 Parenting Definition Parenting or child rearing is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, financial, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. (Wikipedia) A parent can be the biological parent or anybody who is the primary guardian/caretaker of a child There are several definitions. It is important to note that a parent can be the biological parent but also somebody else. It is anybody who takes care of the child, as the primary care taker.

6 Knowing the basics Parents are important for children
Being a parent is not easy and we did not ‘learn’ for this. Sharing with others is helpful Parenting groups might be a good means to support parents in their difficult task In this parenting packages there are several Modules. It is important all groups of parents start with the basics. Parents are important for children! And being a parent is not that easy and we do not ‘learn’ for this, there is no school for parents. We work with groups, since sharing with others is helpful. It might give you more ideas and it might also will show that you are not the only one facing difficulties in raising your child! Parenting groups might be very helpful in supporting parents in their difficult task

7 Knowing the Basics: being a father or mother
Mothers and Fathers are important for children! They might have different roles, and there can be differences in context. It is important to check these roles and involvement of mothers and fathers and if possible, invite both of them to the Parents group!

8 Parenting: The Manual For Facilitators of parenting groups
Can be used for groups of parents in different settings Preferably men and women together, but this depends on the context. This Manual is meant for facilitators and can be used for different groups of parents in different settings. As a facilitator you are free to adapt the content a bit so it fits your context best

9 Set up of the Manual: Modules
Several Modules: The Basics: How to start a parentings group? Who is a parent? Basic Child Development Assessing the needs of Parents Themes of your choice Supporting children in Education Protecting children Nutrition and Health Social and Emotional support Cultural values and norms etc There are several Modules. All groups start with the Basics, involving sessions about several basic topics, like… (see slide). After that groups can choose, depending on what they would like to learn more about in their group. A few examples are… (see slide)

10 Set Up of the Manual: the Sessions
Each Module has 1 to 4 sessions Each session takes about 2 hours Set up of session: Welcome Exercises: practical groupwork for the parents Feedback to the group Homework: practical assignment Closure (read via slide)

11 The Methods used Parents learn by sharing: so lot of group discussions
Parents learn by doing: so practical work in roleplays Parents learn by practicing: so practical assignments for at home Parents learn by hearing new information: so sometimes experts will be invited to share their knowledge (read from slide)

12 Want to know more? Was this helpful? We hope so! Did you get interested? Check out our website or contact us. If you are interested in reading more, please go to our website and check the Program Manual. You also can contact us.

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