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Locating Units Using Google Maps
Be A Scout Locating Units Using Google Maps
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Training Support Presentation can be downloaded and used to train units at: Click on Volunteer Choose BeAScout Webinar Presentation in the Quick Links Print PowerPoint as “Notes Pages” to get the script for use in presenting. This presentation can be downloaded and used to train units at: in the Volunteer tab, choose BeAScout Webinar Presentation in the Quick Links along the right side menu. note: this is the full version…you may wish to edit it for presentation to unit level volunteers Print the PowerPoint as “Notes Pages” to get the script for use in presenting.
Locating Units Using Google Maps
Session Objectives: Describe and show how a unit leader sets a unit pin Describe and show how a parent chooses a unit pin to be contacted by your council or unit representative Describe and show how a unit leader or a Youth Serving executive will manage the leads The Session Objectives are: Describe and show how a unit leader sets a unit pin Describe and show how a parent chooses a unit pin to be contacted by your council or unit representative Describe and show how a unit leader or a council executive will manage the leads
Council System Administrators
4 Distinct User Types Unit Leaders Parents District Executives Council System Administrators There are four distinct user types for this application, they are: Unit Leaders Parents District Executives System Administrators
4 Distinct User Types Unit Leaders = Cubmaster or Scoutmaster or Crew Advisors along with Unit Committee Chair and Chartered Organization Rep Unit Leaders will: Update PIN information Manage Leads from interested parents Unit Leaders First time accessing BeAScout for set up: Unit leaders =Cubmaster, Scoutmaster or Crew Advisor along with the Unit Committee chair and the Chartered Organization Rep. After setting up a total of 6 people that will have access to Be A Scout via My Scouting: There will be three listed, then the primary, and two alternate contacts set They will be able to: Update PIN information And Manage Leads from interested parents
4 Distinct User Types Unit Leaders Parents
Request information about Scouting All traditional programs Next Parents will be able to Request information about Scouting For All traditional programs
4 Distinct User Types Unit Leaders Parents District Executives
Manage Leads from interested parents upon request of Unit Leader Verify Unit Leader is following up on leads in a timely manner The third distinct User type is the 3)District Executives They are able to manage leads from interested parents upon request of the Unit Leader. And they are able to verify the Unit Leader is following up on all leads in a timely manner.
Council System Administrators
4 Distinct User Types Unit Leaders Parents District Executives Council System Administrators Set access for all users in MyBSA Verify all Unit Leaders are assigned to the correct Unit The fourth Distinct User Type is Council System Administrators They are able to set access for all users in MyBSA and verify all Unit Leaders are assigned to the correct Unit.
Unit Leaders Next, let’s talk about Unit Leaders.
The first “to do item “is for unit leaders to set up their unit pin
The unit leader, which is the (Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, crew advisor along with the unit committee chair and the chartered organization rep) enters the Be A Scout Pin and Leads Management Database by logging into their myscouting account.
Once myscouting opens, a Unit Leader will see the BeAScout link on the left in the menu. Again, for first time set up we are defining Unit Leaders as Cubmasters or Scoutmasters or Crew Advisors, along with Unit Committee Chairs and Chartered Organization Representatives.
There are two options. First, Unit Pin Management: Unit Leaders use this to edit PIN information. Next, Unit Lead Management: Unit Leaders use this to manage incoming requests for information from parents interested in Scouting. We begin our review of BeAScout with Unit Pin Management
When you click on unit pin management gadget at the top right, up pops this page
The Unit PIN management is used to set what the parent sees on the Google map when hovered over or clicked on. Filling out this information correctly is imperative to successful leads generation. There are two important areas we would like to call to your attention. At the bottom right in the solid red box is a preview of the Google PIN Pay close attention to this box as we review the next several pages. It will become evident to you how this information is generated and what will be seen by the parent on Google. At the bottom left is the “Fields Displayed on Goggle Pin” area. The Pin preview box will only display the information that has the box(s) checked.
Step one in Unit PIN Management is to select the correct unit
Step one in Unit PIN Management is to select the correct unit. Unit leaders may be registered to more than one unit. Leads are grouped by unit.
All PINS will show an active status at first
All PINS will show an active status at first. A unit leader can deactivate the PIN by changing the PIN status to inactive—by doing this the pin will not appear on the Google map. Another option, however, is to leave it active and choose to use Council information for leads generation. That way someone at the Council will continue to get and work leads while a unit leader may be away. The Unit logo can be selected in the box in the top right side.
Unit logo .jpg format 2 mb max file size
The unit logo is defaulted to the logo for the traditional program it correlates to. For example, All packs will have the Cub Scouts logo. All troops will have the Boy Scouts of America logo. All crews will have the Venturing logo. A units personalized logo can be used. The Unit logos should be a .jpg format. And the Unit logos’ maximum file size is 2mb. Unit logo .jpg format 2 mb max file size
The “Primary contact information” refers to whom the unit has chosen to be the lead in managing the PIN information and the parent requests. This does not have to be the Unit Leaders, but must be a registered adult from that unit. BeAScout “talks” to our Scoutnet or PAS system and updates the information of registered adults This person will also have access to the Unit Pin Management and the Unit Lead management page by signing onto MyScouting. It is also the person receiving s generated from the Google Map PIN. So a Unit Leader can assign another registered adult to work the leads.
The unit meeting address can be changed at any time
The unit meeting address can be changed at any time. The address displayed is pulled from ScoutNET or PAS. This address will be used to locate the Goggle Pin on the map, and can be used to be displayed on the pin. If a unit is having a special meeting location or does not meet at their Chartered Organization, the address can be changed.
The Alternate Contact Information fields are mandatory. These fields are named, respectively, Alternate Contact 1 and Alternate Contact 2. For all three contacts (the primary and two alternates) the on file in the contacts PAS record will auto-populate the field once the name is chosen. Should that address need to be changed or phone number need to change it can be manually done on this page (but it does not update any PAS or ScoutNET record. The primary and both alternate contacts must have different addresses or an error will occur. All three addresses will receive an when a lead is generated. The parent will only have information on the primary contact in the Google PIN. Once completed, there will be six individuals who have access to Unit Pin Management (as well as unit lead management) via 1. the Primary unit leader (Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, or crew advisor) 2. Unit committee chair 3. Chartered Organization Rep 4. Primary contact 5. Alternate contact #1 6. Alternate contact #2
An alternate unit description may be used but it is not mandatory
An alternate unit description may be used but it is not mandatory. This unit description could be something as simple as a slogan. Remember the Unit description box is reading from PAS or Scoutnet. In our example the unit description reads Pack 0033, perhaps the unit locally is know as Pack 33, that could be written in the alternate unit description box. Following the diagram: at the top of the page we inputted an alternate description. We must check the box in the “Fields Displayed on the Goggle Pin” in the lower left side. And that enables the alternate description to appear in the Goggle Pin Preview.
If a unit leader chooses, he or she may make the Council information display in the Google PIN. By selecting Council information, all Unit information goes away with exception of the Unit Description, here – Pack 0033. In order for the “contact person” to display in the PIN, the “contact person” check box must be checked.
Once switched, the Council’s information automatically is displayed in the preview and on the Google Map, once saved.
If the unit meeting address is the desired information to display, this box must be checked. Checking this box, displays the address in the preview. This can be changed as the unit sees fit for where the unit is meeting. If the unit does not wish the location to appear on the pin, uncheck the box in the “Fields Displayed on the Google Pin”, but an address must be in the Unit Meeting Address box at the top right so the pin can be on the map.
The Unit Leader phone number is only displayed if checked in the fields to be displayed box. This number is pre-populated from the adult leaders’ PAS record. Remember by doing this the phone number will be on the web for all to see. If a telephone number is not desired in the PIN, be sure to uncheck this box.
This example shows how the telephone number displays.
Special Announcements can be used for any purpose to display an announcement on the Unit PIN.
What you type in the box will appear in the PIN info and once again remember to check that box in “Fields Displayed on Google Pin”.
This is an example of the Special Announcement once showing in the preview box. Review all information here and make updates or changes. Be sure to “save” your information.
Once you have saved your information, a window will pop up stating that the Unit saved successfully.
Parents Next, let’s talk about how the parents will use this site.
For the fall 2010, a parent interested in finding a unit nearby can now find one by going to and clicking on the “Join” button or open a browser and type and press enter. Or they can type in the new web address “”. We are suggesting that councils use the address on all flyers, yard signs, posters, stickers---and put a link on your council’s home web page. Once in the “Join Scouting” page, pick a program for your son and type in your home address and hit the Go button… you’re on your way. Also notice the program information is available in the lower part of the home page. The ages will be added to this page in the near future so that parents know where their kids fall in which program.
A Google Map is displayed showing an icon for all the active unit types chosen previously. Other units of the same type (in our example Cub Scout Packs) are displayed and all unit addresses can be seen on the right side of the Google Map listed in order of proximity to the home address entered by the parent.
The red pin is the location of your home
The red pin is the location of your home. This helps to gauge how far a unit is from your home.
By clicking on the unit of your choice, the Unit PIN information is displayed. (Remember: This is the information that was previously updated by the Unit Leader before, in the PIN management process.) Click on the link “more information” in the PIN bubble, or in the Local Units list on the right hand side. “More information” means the parent will provide contact details about interested parents.
Once they select more information, up pops :
A “personal information” screen displays, to allow the parent to give information about themselves and their child so that the Unit Leader can be sure they have selected a valid unit. Entering the youth’s information here assures that the program choice is selected correctly. A personal note or question can be added here. The information and comment will be sent to the Primary and Alternate Unit PIN contacts set up in the Unit PIN Management fields. Once all fields are filled in, the parent must select the box saying they are at least 18 years of age. Finally press submit.
If all fields are correct, a confirmation screen will appear saying “you have successfully requested more information, in this case… about Pack 0033.”
Once done, a parent should check their personal to be sure they receive an confirmation from the unit/council contact.
The email will be generated automatically and come from “BeAScoutAdmin
The will include the Council address so the parent will have it in the event a Unit Leader does not respond in a timely manner. The council’s web address is displayed and allows the parent to go out immediately and review upcoming council events.
The councils’ website is a good place to start getting familiar with the programs they are running in your area.
Managing Leads: Unit Leaders
Next, let’s talk about how Unit Leaders manage leads.
Accessing the Unit Lead Management is via MyScouting account
Accessing the Unit Lead Management is via MyScouting account. And remember after the initial set up 6 individuals from the unit will have access to this information. To get to the unit lead management page click on the gadget “Unit Lead Management” at the top The Unit Lead Management portion is used by the Unit Leaders.
Select the Unit to display all leads
Leads are displayed with the following categories of information in the dashboard:
Lead Name, which is the parent name Address, of the parent/child Initial Request time, displays the date and time of the parents initial site contact for unit leaders and councils to ensure speedy contact with the lead. Address, of the parent Q or C, displays a flag showing the leader or executive that there is additional information needed to be read through. Next, the Phone number. The Number of youth in the family A status of the lead. This is a manual selection process..but more on this later The Notes section is used for follow up. This allows each person looking at the lead to know what has been done by a previous reviewer. …and, how did you hear about us?
Clicking on the red flag in the Q & C field opens a box allowing an email contact with the parent.
All of the necessary information to contact this parent is on this page. Once contacted, the status of the lead should be updated—to move the radio button, leaders will need to do that manually. The statuses are displayed. The description of each status is located in the information bar above the display fields bar. NC= not contacted F= follow up needed C= contacted by the unit J= has joined the unit U= needs to go to another unit or council
District or Youth Serving Executives
Managing Leads: District or Youth Serving Executives Lastly, we will discuss how the District or Youth Serving Executive manage their leads.
Log in to MyBSA Click on Membership
Login to MyBSA using your user name and password. Then click on the Membership category.
Click on BeAScout in the far right corner
Click on BeAScout. You will see the gadget icon once your council administrator has set it up—we will get to that in a few minutes. It is at the far right of the screen in the corner. Remember that staff uses MyBSA while unit volunteers use MyScouting.
Council Dashboard Opens
There are four functions of the BeAScout page in MyBSA. They are: Unit PIN Administration: for the council to edit unit pins Unit Lead Administration: this is where the council reviews who the leads are for units to monitor BeAScout Administration : your council administrator will go here to set access to MyBSA and BeAScout And the Council Reports Dashboard: a statistical representation of the number of leads Council Dashboard Opens
In Unit PIN Administration you will see a pull down menu of stop-levels. This structure begins with the council and cascades down through districts and service areas. Select the appropriate one in this menu. A district executive uses this administration tool to update or alter any items not done by a unit or that need to be changed.
Once selecting the district, choose your unit in the unit description drop down box.
Next select the status of your PIN. If it is necessary the council can make a pin inactive ---the pin will no longer show on the Google map As in our earlier demonstration in Unit PIN Management, the unit logo, Primary contact information and Unit Meeting address can be changed from here by the council. As well as, special announcements and alternate contact information. Be sure to save your updates. The unit leaders will get an telling them that their pin has been changed.
Council Dashboard Opens
Unit Lead Administration allows a council to manage unit leads….and leads that have been pushed to the council. Select the link in the Unit Lead Administration gadget. Council Dashboard Opens
Once Unit Lead Administration is open, select the appropriate district and unit within the district to manage leads for that unit. Next, to sort them select the date range and status of the lead. The leads for that district and unit will display in this area. To access the lead, click on “edit” in the far left column.
“Edit Lead Information” opens, and the lead can be viewed.
At this point, the lead may be assigned to another unit. It can even be assigned to another council.
The Council System Administrator
Now, let’s show your council system administrator how to grant access to BeAScout on MyBSA.
The council system administrator needs to grant staff members access to the BeAScout page within MyBSA. The set up is similar to granting access to other pages within MyBSA..but let’s take a few minutes to review. To do this, the system administrator goes into the Administration gadget—see the gadget in red at the top right. Next, on the left side, select Access to Pages.
The complete list of available pages on MyBSA will be displayed
The complete list of available pages on MyBSA will be displayed. BeAScout is on the far right side. Click on the BeAScout link at the top of the column. Again, we have highlighted it red in our example
Next, you will see the BeAScout Access page
Next, you will see the BeAScout Access page. It will list the users from your council. Simply check the box of the users who should have access to the BeAScout page on MyBSA. In our example, we can grant Access by clicking the check box on the left of each name.
Next, the council system administrator needs to grant access to available pages within the BeAScout page found on MyBSA. To do this, the system administrator goes into the Administration gadget—see the gadget in red at the top right. Next, on the left side, select Access within Pages—notice that BeAScout is listed at the bottom.
Now , here is the list of users and the access to the pages
Now , here is the list of users and the access to the pages. The Youth Serving executives should be granted access to the BeAScout Dashboard, Unit Pin Administration and Unit Lead Administration. See the columns highlighted in red on the right. Use the same routine you used previously by clicking on the column and checking the box for each staff as needed—just as we completed for access to the BeAScout page. The Council system administrator should grant themselves access to BeAScout Administration---see the far right hand column.
The final step is to set up the staff with their district or service area.
This is completed using the BeAScout Administration piece. As we stated earlier only the council system administrator should grant themselves access to the BeAScout Administration gadget. This is used to assign BSA employees to districts to administer Unit PIN’s and Leads. Click on the BeAScout Administration gadget.
Once the gadget opens, choose the council and the organization within the council to assign district users. Once users have been selected, choose save. Each of these users will receive an from leads generated by parents, as well as an if anything is updated or changed on the Unit PIN. This is the end of our presentation. Just a reminder, if you have any question please press “01” and we will answer your questions in the order that they come in. Thank you.
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