Mon. Oct 2 Announcements Quiz Postponed to Wednesday – still only on 2.a + 2.b Video lecture for 2.a posted Lab 6 experiment extension You must come to.

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Presentation on theme: "Mon. Oct 2 Announcements Quiz Postponed to Wednesday – still only on 2.a + 2.b Video lecture for 2.a posted Lab 6 experiment extension You must come to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mon. Oct 2 Announcements Quiz Postponed to Wednesday – still only on 2.a + 2.b Video lecture for 2.a posted Lab 6 experiment extension You must come to lab and demo what you have this week. If you don’t get it all done, have issues etc… You can demo again during TA office hours next week, without penalty.

2 Module 2.D Interrupt Handling Tim Rogers 2017

3 Learning Outcome #2 Bus Timing Analysis
“An ability to interface a microcontroller to various devices” Bus Timing Analysis 9S12C Multiplexed Bus Expansion General-Purpose I/O Ports Interrupt Handling Buffered I/O Buffered, Interrupt-Driven Printer Design Example How?

4 Objective Why? “Interrupt handling”
Polling device drivers waste CPU cycles with polling transfer data Much more efficient to just handle the device when it is ready.

5 Basics Interrupt (definition): An unexpected (asynchronous) hardware-induced subroutine call (may also be referred to as an event or as an exception) Some circuitry (and/or microcode) – independent of the application - software triggers interrupts

6 Basics Each Vector is 2 bytes: Contains function pointer for that interrupt Vector: Locations in memory that “point to where to go” in order to service an interrupt request, i.e., a pointer to an interrupt service routine (“ISR”) Off-chip interrupts hook into these vectors Interrupts can come from on-chip or off chip

7 Context Switching For the 9S12 – the context is our CPU registers.
N equ ? org $800 main pshb ; (2) pshx ; (2) pshy ; (2) ldx #XA ; (2) ldy #YA ; (2) movw #0,ACM ; rts ; (5) Context switch to ISR: Stack Registers interrupt_handler ; some stuff rti Context switch to main program: unstack Registers

8 9S12 stacking order SP HW automatically stacks registers this way
rti will unstack them assuming this order

9 Maskable vs. non-maskable interrupts
Maskable (IRQ or INT) Non-maskable (NMI) Can be temporarily ignored by the CPU (aka masked out) Cannot be ignored by the CPU Most application interrupts are this way Usually reserved for catostrophic failures. Some processors have a hierarchy of these interrupts

10 Prioritization Highest Priority
If more than one interrupt happens at the same time – somebody wins For 9S12 the address of the vector determines the winner. Bigger = Higher Priority Lowest Priority

11 Preemption Ability of a higher priority interrupt to interrupt a lower priority interrupt On the 9S12 – the unmaskable and XIRQ interrupts can interrupt the normal user interrupt (IRQ) More complex application-based preemption requires more interrupt bits beyond the scope of the 9S12

12 Level-Sensitive vs. Edge Sensitive
Interrupt is only active when signal is asserted Interrupt just needs the signal to pulse If the device controlling the interrupt only provides a pulse – an external latch must be used. This latch is called the device flag. No external latching necessary Most CPU interrupts are level-sensitive. 9S12’s IRQ line is configurable. We will use it in level-sensitive mode

13 Maskable Interrupt Device Flag

14 Maskable Interrupt Device Flag
Edge-triggered “D” flip flop with asynchronous clear input CLR Q D Q

15 Maskable Interrupt Device Flag
Edge-triggered “D” flip flop with asynchronous clear input CLR Q 1 D Q

16 Maskable Interrupt Device Flag
Edge-triggered “D” flip flop with asynchronous clear input CLR Q 1 D Q Interrupt Request (From Device)

17 Maskable Interrupt Device Flag
Edge-triggered “D” flip flop with asynchronous clear input Flag Clear (From CPU) CLR Q 1 D Q Interrupt Request (From Device)

18 Maskable Interrupt Device Flag
Edge-triggered “D” flip flop with asynchronous clear input Interrupt Enable Bit (from CPU) This is the mask Flag Clear (From CPU) CLR Q IRQ (to CPU) 1 D Q Be able to specify this logic in ABEL or Verilog and realize it on a PLD Interrupt Request (From Device)

19 HC(S)12 Interrupt Handling Specifics
Interrupt sources two interrupt request inputs IRQ – standard application interrupt XIRQ – pseudo-non-maskable interrupt total of over 20 on-chip sources separate vector for each interrupt and reset source

20 Interrupt CPU bits

21 HC(S)12 Interrupt Handling Specifics
Interrupt control IRQCR (interrupt control) register IRQE (bit 7) “0” – IRQ input pin is (active low) level sensitive “1” – IRQ input is (negative) edge sensitive IRQEN (bit 6) “0” – external IRQ pin disconnected “1” – external IRQ pin connected indicates default state after reset

22 9S12C32 External Interrupt Pins
External interrupt pins are on Port E

23 HC(S)12 Interrupt Handling Specifics
Interrupt masking application interrupts (including IRQ interrupt input) masked by “I” bit in CC register “0” – “not masked” (i.e., enabled) “1” – “masked” (i.e., not enabled) XIRQ input (non-maskable interrupt input) is masked after system reset by “X” bit in CC register – once enabled, it remains enabled (i.e., the X bit cannot be set by software) until the CPU is reset

24 HC(S)12 Interrupt Handling Specifics
Interrupt masking most of the HC(S)12 on-chip peripherals have their own interrupt enable/disable bits (control registers with IRQ “mask” or “enable” bits) external application interrupts may require external device flags and mask registers

25 HC(S)12 Interrupt Handling Microsequence Done Automatically
Hardware Interrupt Software Exception Mask Bit Set in CC Register? Continue Fetch Cycle N Y Stack CPU Registers Set “I” (and “X”) Bit(s) in CC Register Load Interrupt Vector into PC Execute Interrupt Service Routine

26 HC(S)12 Interrupt Service Routine Structure
Vector to ISR (CPU microcode – NOT WRITTEN BY YOU) Start Clear Device Flag These are written by you Service Request RTI

27 Interrupt Latencies Interrupt Service Latency Time
Interrupt Servicing latency Time that expires between device asserting and the CPU fetching 1st instruction of the interrupt service routine (ISR). interrupt_handler ; the first instruction rti Instruction completion latency Processor latency Device sets flag to “1” The first instruction of ISR is fetched Interrupt Service Latency Time

28 Instruction completion latency
Amount of time it takes the CPU to complete instruction in progress Most simple CPUs cannot be interrupted mid-instruction Non-deterministic Instructions have different time lengths Interrupts asynchronous with the clock (don’t know when in the clock cycle the interrupt occurs) However, we can estimate the bound on this value. How? Instruction completion latency Device sets flag to “1” The first instruction of ISR is fetched Interrupt Service Latency Time

29 The first instruction of ISR is fetched
Processor Latency Time between when CPU recognizes interrupt (i.e. after instruction completion latency) and when the first instruction is fetched Also referred to as the “context switch” overhead Deterministic – since the context switch always take the same number of cycles Processor latency Device sets flag to “1” The first instruction of ISR is fetched Interrupt Service Latency Time

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