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European Exploration: Africa

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1 European Exploration: Africa
Notebook #4 Compare the differing ways that European nations developed political and economic influences, including trade and settlement patterns on the continent of Africa

2 A. African Societies many African kingdoms thought European arrivals would mean more trade, wealth, & power kingdoms: Kanem-Bornu, Benin, Oyo, Dahomey, Ashanti, & Kongo kingdoms had different languages, customs, & religious beliefs they shared an economy that was based on trade —barter economy

3 B. Europeans in Africa Portuguese were 1st to establish settlements (Africans allowed them to set up trading posts along the coast) the kingdoms were supposed to get part of trade profits & protection from their enemies at first, trade involved spices, gold, & ivory, but the need for slaves was growing (plantations)

4 C. Slave Trade slavery had existed in other cultures:
Egypt, Greece, Rome, & Persia slaves were usually treated fairly & might become free European slave trade was very different: slaves were thought of as property no chance for freedom children of slaves were born as slaves

5 slave trade became profitable
slave raids were conducted by African slave traders rival tribes would hunt each other (used guns they had traded to get) slave trade was called the triangular trade—exchange of goods for slaves in Africa, slaves for plantation goods in America, then the goods were taken back to Europe

6 Middle Passage—part of the triangular trade where slaves were sent to the Americas
20 to 50% of slaves died en route to the Americas ship conditions were horrible (disease/abuse) survivors were auctioned in Americas

7 D. Effects of Slave Trade
lasted for 300 years 1807 banned by British govt. King Alfonso I (Christian leader of Kongo) urged the Pope to stop the slave trade 10 million slaves taken to the Americas devastated Africa kingdoms disliked each other & fought often racism spread (feeling of being better than others because of skin color)

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