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Lawmaking Process.

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1 Lawmaking Process

2 What are some things you can think of that follow a process?
Preview Activity: What are some things you can think of that follow a process? Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

3 Let’s Review Yesterday’s Lesson and Preview Today’s Lesson
Congress & Lawmaking Click picture for video

4 Testable Information Follow along and fill in your notes as we discuss the law-making process in Congress.

5 The Law-Making Process:
Congress is our national _______________- It makes our national laws. Legislature

6 The Law-Making Process:
Elected officials in Congress write ______ and take _________ in response to problems or issues. laws action

7 Steps for a Bill to Become a Law:
click pic. for video

8 1. ____________ an idea for a law.
Propose 1. ____________ an idea for a law.

9 2. ______________ a bill into one of the Houses of Congress.
Introduce 2. ______________ a bill into one of the Houses of Congress. Introduce a bill… Only a ________ or ____________ may do this. Senator Representative

10 3. Working in _____________.
Committee 3. Working in _____________.

11 The Committee Can: Kill Revise Rewrite
__________ the bill Revise __________ the bill Rewrite Set Aside __________ the bill “Pigeon Hole” __________ the bill __________ the bill Pass “As Is”

12 4. _________ the bill on the floor of the first house.

13 5. ______on the bill. Vote

14 Once passed, the bill is sent to the _________house and steps 2-5 are repeated.

15 7. Once both houses of Congress pass the bill, it is sent to the _____________ for approval.

16 If the President signs the bill, it becomes a ______.

17 If he vetoes it, Congress can _________ the veto.
override (this is an examples of Checks and Balances)

18 P ropose I ntroduce C ommittee D ebate V ote O ther House P resident

19 The Law-Making Process:
_____________- to talk to members of Congress to get them to do what you want. Lobbying

20 The Law-Making Process:
_____________ and ___________ _________ help shape legislation – laws. The Law-Making Process: Individuals Interest Groups They can write letters, sign petitions, send s, and ________ to get their representatives to support bills that they want to see become laws. lobby

21 Number the steps of the Lawmaking Process from 1–7 using your notes.
Processing Activity: Number the steps of the Lawmaking Process from 1–7 using your notes.

22 Lawmaking Process Other House A law is Proposed
The bill is Introduced into one house of Congress The bill is sent to Committee The committee approves the bill and it is sent to the floor for Debate The bill is Voted on Sign it into law Other House If the bill passes both houses, it goes to the President Veto it Congress can override the VETO

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