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Essential Question: What was the effect of WW I on art and literature.

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question: What was the effect of WW I on art and literature."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question: What was the effect of WW I on art and literature.
LO: After completion of notes and discussion, students will be able to identify the post-WW I art styles, describe the characteristics of each, and explain how WW I impacted these styles of art. *

2 Themes in Early Modern Art
Uncertainty/insecurity. Disillusionment. The subconscious. Overt sexuality. Violence & savagery. *

3 Pre- WW I Art Movements Realism – 1850-1900 Impressionism 1870-1890
Post- Impressionism Expressionism Cubism *

4 Art movements as part of Modernism
Cubism 1907 – very influential Dadaism (1916 – 1924) Bauhaus (1919 – 1933) Surrealism [early] ( ) *

5 General impact of the war on art: War scenes Death Chaos
PP: List 3-5 words that come to mind when you think of WW I: General impact of the war on art: War scenes Death Chaos Disillusionment- to lose faith and trust

6 The Lost Generation: Part 1: Read the following and answer the questions that follow on your document. The Lost Generation is a term used to refer to a collective group of artists and writers who settled in Europe in the wake of the First World War. Members of this group lived in Europe in the 1920s and early 1930s, and they had a profound impact on society and the arts. The generation is referred to as “lost” not because it has faded from memory, but because the individuals often expressed a sense of emotional confusion, feeling lost in their own society. Answer question 1 now. Explain what is meant by the “Lost Generation”? Many members of the Lost Generation saw combat in World War I, sometimes as volunteers who traveled to Europe early, protesting America's lack of involvement in the early years of the war. Others lived through the war in Europe, or had close relationships with people who had. As a result, many had a deep sense of disillusionment created by the violence of the war, with many members viewing the war as an extended act of senseless brutality that destroyed the innocence that dominated society at the turn of the 20th century. The members of the Lost Generation struggled with shattered ideals about society, gender roles, diplomacy, morality, and other issues. Answer question 2 now. What did World War 1 destroy? Answer question 3 now. What does disillusionment mean?

7 The Lost Generation: Click here to answer questions 3 and 4 on your document. What was Ernest Hemingway’s job during World War 1? Answer question 4 now. What was Ernest Hemingway’s job during World War 1? Answer question 5 now. What was his book, “A Farewell to Arms about”?

8 Post World War 1 art 1. Cubism: 2. Dadaism 3. Surrealism Max Ernst
Answer question 6 now. Name the 3 styles of post WW I art. Post World War 1 art 1. Cubism: 2. Dadaism 3. Surrealism Hannah Höch, Cut with the Dada Kitchen Knife through the Last Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in Germany, 1919, collage of pasted papers, 90x144 cm, Staatliche Museum, Berlin. Max Ernst L'Ange du Foyer, (1937) *

9 Use of geometric planes, Lines, and shapes.
Answer question 7 now. What characterizes cubism? Cubism: Use of geometric planes, Lines, and shapes. *

10 Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Considered greatest artist of 20th century
Created more than 20,000 pieces of art Some of his paintings take on a surrealist quality Left, Three Musicians, Pablo Picasso (1921) Born in Spain child prodigy All three phases of his career occurred before he changed to cubism *

11 Answer question 8 now. Who is the central figure in the painting “The Three Musicians”?
Painting Title: Three Musicians 1921 Oil on canvas x cm Pablo Picasso: Cubist Paintings / Mid Career Famous Spanish artist - 20th Century Painter About the 3 Musicians Painting Three Musicians is a large painting measuring more than 2 meters wide and high. It is painted in the style of Synthetic Cubism and gives the appearance of cut paper. The central figure is a Harlequin playing a guitar, with two musicians by his sides. There is also a dog that can be seen to the left of the musicians with his ears clearly visible. *

12 Picasso and War ( ) Guernica depicts the massacre after German planes bombed the city and 1,600 civilians on April 26, 1937, during the Spanish Civil War Used symbolism and the monochromatic colors to represent the desolation after the tragedy Bottom, Guernica, Pablo Picasso (1937) The Spanish general Francisco Franco allowed the Nazis to bomb the city in return for military aid 16 miles surrounding the entire city were destroyed Picasso declared that he wanted this work to return to Spain when the tyrant Franco was out of power, as it did in the 1970s after Franco died The Museum of Modern Art, grudgingly returned one of it’s most famous paintings to Spain as a result of Picasso’s will *

13 Guernica is grey, black and white, 3. 5 metres (11 ft) tall and 7
Guernica is grey, black and white, 3.5 metres (11 ft) tall and 7.8 metres (25.6 ft) wide, a mural-size canvas painted in oil.

14 Violin and Candlestick Paris, (spring 1910)
Georges Braque, Woman with a Guitar, Musée National d'Art Moderne 1913. Answer question 9 now. What do you see in this painting: Georges Braque, Woman with a Guitar, 1913. Violin and Candlestick Paris, (spring 1910) *

15 Click here: Pablo Picasso: Cubist Paintings / Mid Career
Answer question 10 now. Copy/paste the painting you selected into your document. What is the name of the painting you selected? What 3 words can be used to describe the feeling of mood of the painting?

16 Means “hobby horse” in French. “Anti – Art”
Answer question 11 now. What is Dadaism? Dadaism: Means “hobby horse” in French. “Anti – Art” Life doesn’t make sense so why should art.

17 Answer question 12 now. Look at Max Ernst painting, Max Ernst, Ubu Imperator, (1923). What do you think it means? Max Ernst The Hat Makes the Man 1920 Collage, pencil, ink and watercolor on paper 35.6 x 45.7 cm The Museum of Modern Art, New York Max Ernst, Ubu Imperator, (1923), Musee National d'Art Moderne, (1923), Musee National d'Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou, (1923), Musee National d'Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France

18 This is a Dada and Surrealist Painting.
Answer question 13 now. What comes to mind when you look at this Max Ernst painting, The Elephant Celebes? The Elephant Celebes Max Ernst, 1921 Oil on canvas 125.4cm 107.9cm (49.37in 42.48in) Tate Gallery, London This is a Dada and Surrealist Painting. *

19 Francis Picabia ( ) Left, L'Oeil Cacodylate, Francis Picabia (1921) Right, Hera, Francis Picabia (1929) Born in Paris (1879) Proto-Dada with mostly mechanical pictures ( ) Fun Fact: Owned 150 cars *

20 Max Ernst, L'Ange du Foyer ou le Triomphe du Surréalisme (1937), private collection.

21 Nude Descending a Staircase (1912)
Marcel Duchamp: Nude Descending a Staircase (1912)

22 DuChamp’s Ready-Mades
Fountain One of the recreations sold for $1,762,500 Left, Bicycle Wheel, Marcel DuChamp (1913) Ridiculed and eliminated the “uniqueness of art” Ready-Mades: valued as ‘high art’ today *

23 Surrealism: Express unconscious thoughts and dreams through art.
Answer question 14 now. What is Surrealism? Surrealism: Express unconscious thoughts and dreams through art.

24 The Persistence of Memory, Salvador Dali
Answer question 15 now. What do you think Dali’s The Persistence of Memory Means? The Persistence of Memory, Salvador Dali *

25 Salvador Dali: Soft Construction with Boiled Beans (Premonition of Civil War), 1936


27 Look at slides 15, 16 and 17. Which affected you the most? Why?
Answer question 16 now. Look at slides 15, 16 and 17. Which affected you the most? Why? Use of color To evoke Emotion and The chaos of War, as well As the impending End of the world "Improvisation 30 (Cannons)" year Oil on canvas 109,2х109,9 sm Chicago. The Art Institute. *

28 George Grosz, Explosion April 1917


30 Fernand LEGER , Le remorqueur. 1920
Answer question 17 now.                                         Fernand LEGER , Le remorqueur. 1920 *

31 The Uncertainty of the Poet ( 1913) by the Greco-Italian
artist Giorgio de Chirico is filled with dreamlike imagery. One of the images, that of a train in the distance, is probably a memory from the artist’s youth, when his father was a railroad engineer. He is most often mentioned in the context of surrealism. Answer question 18 now

32 Answer question 19 now *

33 Write a paragraph that includes the following 3 items:
LO: After completion of notes and discussion, students will be able to identify the post-WW I art styles, describe the characteristics of each, and explain how WW I impacted these styles of art. Write a paragraph that includes the following 3 items: Identify the styles of the following paintings. Describe the characteristics of Cubism, Dadaism, and Surrealism Write a paragraph explaining how WW I affected artist after the war was over. *

34 Igor Stravinsky Most imp. Composer of the 20th c. Rite of Spring

35 Radio: Marconi used by military – WW I powerful tool for propaganda 1920 – 1st public broadcast only in USA – private ownership of radio

36 Movies: silent films- Chaplin talkies powerful tool for propaganda Hitler Youth Rally Speech - Triumph of the Will (Subtitles) 4:54 4:56


38 If time watch the following video on Leger.

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