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Term Review VIII World War I and the 1920’s.

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1 Term Review VIII World War I and the 1920’s

2 What term means loyalty to the interests and culture of one’s country?

3 This all-white organization would verbally and physically attack minorities such as blacks, Catholics, and Jews. Ku Klux Klan

4 This is a national policy of avoiding political or economic alliances with other countries.

5 Theodore Roosevelt’s volunteer force who fought in Cuba during the Spanish American War were called what? Rough Riders

6 What passenger ship carrying military supplies was destroyed by a German torpedo on May 7,1915?

7 Who was a popular African-American blues singer that received national attention?
Bessie Smith

8 What term is used to describe those who believe there is no god?

9 What law prohibited the distribution of information related to pornography, birth control, and sexually transmitted disease? Comstock Law

10 What term is used to describe the idea that only the strongest people, business, or nations are meant to survive? Social Darwinism

11 What term is used to describe a time of mass hysteria in the nation in which the government arrested thousands of radicals, some of them foreign born, increasing suspicion of foreigners entering the United States? Red Scare

12 What was it called when solders dug trenches and fought from there
What was it called when solders dug trenches and fought from there? This was used exclusively in WWI. Trench Warfare

13 What term was used to describe people who were afraid of foreigners entering the United States?

14 What is it when the government has a requirement to serve in the military?

15 What was the movement among black intellectuals and artists during the 1920’s which expressed the feelings of the community? Harlem Renaissance

16 What term refers to people who do not believe in any form of government?

17 What term refers to people who believe the United States should acquire overseas colonies in order to maintain a strong economy? Imperialists

18 What term refers to a person who comes into a new country?

19 What is it called when a writer produces sensational writing with a disregard for the truth?
Yellow Journalism

20 Who was the famous mobster who smuggled alcohol during Prohibition?
Al Capone

21 What was the agreement between the United States and European nations to keep China open to free trade? Open Door Policy

22 What were the German submarines that sank French and British merchant ships in the Atlantic called?

23 Who was the leader of the United States troops in Cuba during the Spanish-American War? He was later elected President of the United States. ( ) Theodore Roosevelt

24 What term described the agreement of mutual protection between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy?
Triple Alliance

25 This term refers to Germany’s payment of costs to the victorious nations for its part in starting World War I? War Reparations

26 The Treaty of Versailles established this organization in order to promote understanding and discourage aggressions between nations. It lost influence because the US refused to join. League of Nations

27 This was a black writer who voiced common themes of the Harlem Renaissance in the innovative novel Cane. Jean Toomer

28 What type of music was developed by Black Americans and gained in popularity during the Harlem Renaissance? Jazz

29 This term refers to putting to death by hanging.

30 Who was the United States Colonel who eradicated malaria and yellow fever in the Panama Canal Zone?
Walter Reed

31 Who was the United States officer in charge of construction of the Panama Canal Zone?
William Gorgas

32 What term was used to describe an era of increased economic prosperity after World War I in the United States? Roaring Twenties

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