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Unit 6 Test Review U.S. History.

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1 Unit 6 Test Review U.S. History

2 SSUSH 14 U.S. History

3 Becoming a World Power War that resulted from the U.S. helping Cuba win independence from Spain Spanish-American War

4 U.S. Ship that exploded in Cuba and blamed on Spain
Becoming a World Power U.S. Ship that exploded in Cuba and blamed on Spain U.S.S. Maine

5 Becoming a World Power War in which the U.S. quickly defeated the Spanish Navy, made the islands an American territory War in the Philippines

6 Becoming a World Power Americans were eager to spread democracy and open markets into Latin America Expansionism

7 Becoming a World Power Concept used to explain U.S. expansion into Latin America to get raw materials and open economic markets Imperialism

8 Becoming a World Power The U.S. and President Theodore Roosevelt helped Panama separate from this country? Columbia

9 Becoming a World Power REASON - The U.S. and President Theodore Roosevelt helped Panama separate from Columbia Access to Panama Canal

10 Becoming a World Power Leader of the Rough Riders up San Juan Hill in the war in Cuba against the Spanish Theodore Roosevelt

11 Becoming a World Power Extension of the Monroe Doctrine that said the U.S. would get involved in the affairs of Latin American Countries to end intervention of European Countries. Roosevelt Corollary

12 Becoming a World Power A manmade construction that made a faster sea route from the Atlantic to Pacific Oceans Panama Canal

13 Becoming a World Power Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy to implement the Roosevelt Corollary Big Stick Diplomacy

14 Great White Fleet (Steel NAVY)
Becoming a World Power Big Stick refers to what new weapon owned by the United States Great White Fleet (Steel NAVY)

15 SSUSH 15 U.S. History

16 War fought from 1914-1918 in Europe
Becoming a World Power War fought from in Europe WWI

17 Assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Becoming a World Power Incident that caused WWI to erupt in Europe? Assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand

18 Becoming a World Power Year the U.S. Entered WWI 1917

19 Neutrality to Engagement
Becoming a World Power U.S. Policy of staying out of world wars to entering the war as an allied power? Neutrality to Engagement

20 Becoming a World Power British cruise liner blown up by Germany without warning killing 128 Americans? Lusitania

21 Becoming a World Power Telegram sent from Germany to Mexico to form an alliance against the U.S. during WWI? Zimmerman Note

22 Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Becoming a World Power German policy of attacking neutral vessels at sea without warning? Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

23 This concept refers to issues in the U.S. homeland during WWI?
Becoming a World Power This concept refers to issues in the U.S. homeland during WWI? Domestic Impact of WWI

24 Becoming a World Power Movement of African Americans during WWI to the Northern part of U.S. to fill Jobs? Great Migration

25 Becoming a World Power Law passed during WWI that made it illegal to speak out against the government or interfere with the military during WWI Espionage Act

26 Becoming a World Power Socialist put in Jail for 10 years during WWI for violating the Espionage Act? Eugene Debs

27 President of the U.S. during WWI?
Becoming a World Power President of the U.S. during WWI? Woodrow Wilson

28 Becoming a World Power President Wilson’s plan to end all world Wars and create a worldwide peace? Fourteen Points

29 International Peacekeeping Organization formed in the 14 points?
Becoming a World Power International Peacekeeping Organization formed in the 14 points? League of Nations

30 Main Reason U.S. Senators did not approve the Treaty of Versailles?
Becoming a World Power Main Reason U.S. Senators did not approve the Treaty of Versailles? Isolationism

31 Made it illegal to make, sell, or consumer Alcohol?
Becoming a World Power Made it illegal to make, sell, or consumer Alcohol? Eighteenth Amendment

32 Era in U.S. History when drinking Alcohol was illegal?
Becoming a World Power Era in U.S. History when drinking Alcohol was illegal? Prohibition

33 Extended Suffrage to women?
Becoming a World Power Extended Suffrage to women? Nineteenth Amendment

34 What does suffrage mean?
Becoming a World Power What does suffrage mean? Right to Vote

35 SSUSH 16 U.S. History

36 Becoming a World Power Economic system that disallowed private property; USSR in 1917 become this? Communism

37 Becoming a World Power Economic system where business are owned and controlled by the government? Socialism

38 Fear of the spread of communism and Socialism spreading during WWI?
Becoming a World Power Fear of the spread of communism and Socialism spreading during WWI? Red Scare

39 Used Mass Production make automobiles?
Becoming a World Power Used Mass Production make automobiles? Henry Ford

40 Mass Production achieved this way by Henry Ford?
Becoming a World Power Mass Production achieved this way by Henry Ford? Assembly Line

41 Mass Production had this affect on the Automobile?
Becoming a World Power Mass Production had this affect on the Automobile? Cheap & Affordable

42 Major form of communication in peoples homes in the 1920s?
Becoming a World Power Major form of communication in peoples homes in the 1920s? Radio

43 Becoming a World Power American culture was influenced by clothing, hairstyles, etc. seen in these? Movies

44 Artistic and Music movement that celebrated African American culture?
Becoming a World Power Artistic and Music movement that celebrated African American culture? Harlem Renaissance

45 Famous Jazz Trumpet player during the Harlem Renaissance?
Becoming a World Power Famous Jazz Trumpet player during the Harlem Renaissance? Louis Armstrong

46 Becoming a World Power Music based on old slave rhythms and music from new Orleans and the South? JAZZ

47 Most prominent poet and writer during the Harlem Renaissance?
Becoming a World Power Most prominent poet and writer during the Harlem Renaissance? Langston Hughes

48 Becoming a World Power A row of music production and recording houses in Harlem; also a concept that refers to a group of composers? Tin Pan Alley

49 Most famous composer and song writer in Tin Pan Alley?
Becoming a World Power Most famous composer and song writer in Tin Pan Alley? Irving Berlin

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