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Why Europeans Immigrated

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1 Why Europeans Immigrated
“Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” Where did immigrants come from?


3 Push / Pull Factors What is a push / pull factor?
Pogroms – organized, anti-Jewish attacks PULL: ____________________________________________________________________ “land of milk and honey…streets paved with gold…”

4 The Trip What too three months now took two weeks due to steamships
Seasickness, spoiled food and filthy toilets Separation on the ship by class What did third class passengers face?

5 Ellis Island “_____________________” _______________________
Marked clothing with chalk (L,H,X and E) Faced possible deportation _______________________ “Do you have work waiting for you?” / Foran Act of 1885 About 2% of immigrants were denied entry Ride on ferry to NYC

6 Urban Populations Explode
Most immigrants settled in places like ____________________________________________________________________ Lived in areas with those who spoke the same language

7 American Response New immigrants had to “find their own way” financially Who could they rely on? “pass the hat” ________________________– established as a community center to help guide immigrants Political Bosses – Assimilation / Americanization Happened with children at school, needing to fit in

8 American Response Cultural differences created backlash
Anarchy / Socialism _________________spreads like wildfire Religious and cultural differences and economic downturn fueled the fire By the ______________Congress had passed legislation to slow immigration Became based on quota: ______________________

9 Immigration from Asia Chinese “could never be Americanized”
__________________towards Chinese Economic woes blamed on Chinese _____________________________(1882) – no immigration of Chinese for 10 years

10 Angel Island “Ellis Island of the West” Detained for questioning
Asked extremely specific questions to prevent Chinese from forging their way into the country Could be detained for weeks, months, even years Angel Island = miserable place

11 Other Asian Immigrant Groups
Immigrants came as farm laborers and service industry workers from: Korea, Philippines, and Japan Anti-Asian feelings caused segregation – led to a __________________________________between TR and Japan Japanese allowed emigrants, with certain family demands

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