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Inept to Adept: Student Produced Videos

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1 Inept to Adept: Student Produced Videos
Brooke K. Langan Joseph P. Martin East Stroudsburg Area School District Inept to Adept: Student Produced Videos

2 What is AFI? American Film Institute Lights, Camera, Education Series
Discovery Education>DE Streaming LIGHTS, CAMERA, EDUCATION! is an online application of AFI K-12 Screen Education’s face-to-face workshop series that provides teachers with the tools and skills to incorporate filmmaking into their curriculum. Students write, shoot, edit, and ultimately exhibit the original films they produce as part of their core classroom studies. The process transforms the classroom for both teachers and students.

3 Reasons for Integrating AFI
Reasons why we AFI… Inexperience in moviemaking Students don’t like to write Provides structure to a new concept Validates the importance of planning to students Promotes teamwork & collaboration

4 Who can AFI? Students Teachers Support Staff All content areas
PD Sessions Support Staff District Employees Transportation Halls & Walls Committee School Board

5 Five Steps to Adept! Step 1: Shoot In-Camera
Step 2: Storyboard the Scene/Shoot Step 3: Switch-A-Roo Step 4: Reshoot & Assemble an Edit Step 5: Edit the Final Cut

6 Step 1: Shoot In-Camera Step 1: Form a production team
Organize & Shoot a provided scenario Person is about to open a door, hears a sound and becomes mildly concerned. Person finds the door locked & searches for keys. Sound increases & person becomes visibly apprehensive (Build tension & growing panic). Scene ends with the person opening door & getting to the other side safely. Follow Parameters for Shooting Source of sound is not seen, one actor, 60 second Max, Filming within 5 feet of door, assembled in-camera View & Reflect

7 Step 2: Storyboard the Scene/Shoot
Storyboarding Defined Provide definition & AFI’s shot glossary Individuals Storyboard the Scene Same parameters plus 5 different shots. Storyboards visually clear (so a stranger can use) Pitch to Team Team Selects One or Creates a New One

8 Step 3: Switch-A-Roo Step 3: Completed team storyboards are handed in
Teacher “Switch-A-Roo.” Teacher switches storyboards amongst the teams Teams film another’s storyboard Parameters: Can’t communicate with the storyboard’s original writers, shoot exactly as written, can’t try to improve or improvise. View & Reflect

9 Step 4: Reshoot & Assemble an Edit
Teams revise storyboards based on Step 3 Reflection. Teams shoot the new storyboards Import footage into computer Assemble a rough cut based upon the storyboard’s sequence of events Team View & Reflection of Rough Cut Review the film’s intentions before moving on to Step 5

10 Step 5: Edit the Final Cut
Explore the following editing tools to enhance the film’s overall impact: Transitions Music Titles Effects View & Reflect Do the editing additions confirm the original assignment’s parameters? Is your film better? Why or Why not?

11 Student Example

12 Timelines for Implementation
Student Implementation Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Block: 90Mins 1 .5 1.5 Period: 45Mins 2 3

13 Timelines for Implementation
Professional Development Implementation Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Session: 3 Hour *Step4&5 partially omitted 45 Minutes Groups & Intro = 15mins Film = 15mins Review = 15 mins Storyboarding Defined = 15 mins Team Storyboarding = 30 mins Switch & Film = 30 mins View & Reflect = 15 mins Reshoot = 30 mins *Rough Edit in Next Level of PD *Final Cut Edit in 2nd Level of PD 6 Hour 8:30 am - 8:45 Groups Assembled Roles Chosen 8:45 am - 9:05 Filming 9:05 am - 9:30 Viewing and Reflecting 9:30 am-10:00 Storyboarding Defined 10:00-10:30 Storyboarding 10:30-11:00 Pitch to Team and Choose or Create New 11:00- 11:15 Switch-A-Roo 11:15-11:45 Filming 11:45-12:15 View & Reflect (Working Lunch) 12:15-12:45 Reshoot the team storyboard 12:45-1:30 Assemble a Rough Cut Edit 1:30-1:45 Rough Cut Team Review 1:45-2:15 Enhancement Editing 2:15-2:30 Final Cut Team Review

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