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TTP Update COLT Meeting Rapid City, SD Bob Sparrow

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1 TTP Update COLT Meeting Rapid City, SD Bob Sparrow
Designated Federal Official – Tribal Transportation Self-Governance Program, FHWA/USDOT July 12, 2016

2 FAST Act Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act
5 year Highway Bill (FY16 – FY20) Signed by President on December 4, 2015 Effective Date of October 1, 2015 Tribal Transportation Program (TTP) Funding FY16 - $465 Million FY17 - $475 Million FY18 - $485 Million FY19 - $495 Million FY20 - $505 Million TOTAL - $2.425 Billion over 5 years

3 FAST Act TTP No change in existing funding formula
Statutory formula from MAP-21 FY16 is Year 4 of 4 year transition into new formula No change in Safety or Planning set-asides TTP Bridge set aside increases from 2% to 3%. PM&O set aside decreases from 6% to 5%. Tribal Shares have been calculated and are posted on the BIA and FHWA TTP websites.

4 FAST ACT – EOY TTP Data Report
New 23 USC 201(c)(6)(C) – TRIBAL DATA COLLECTION Any entity (Tribe, BIA, FHWA, etc.) that carries out a project under TTP during a fiscal year shall submit data to the Secretaries of DOT and DOI so that a report can be generated by December 31 of each year. The submitted data will: Contain the names of all projects and activities carried out and include; A description of each; The current status; The obligations and expenditures; and The number of jobs created and the number of jobs retained Any enti

5 FAST Act – EOY TTP Data Report
FHWA and BIADOT have developed a reporting mechanism thru OMB-MAX. Easy internet access for all entities Provides a TTP Annual report that is data-driven The system is an on-line system Currently being tested with FHWA Tribes System will be ready for data submittal on Oct. 1

6 Safety Data Congressional Reports
Sec. 1117 REPORT TO CONGRESS ON TRIBAL GOVERNMENT TRANSPORTATION SAFETY DATA Due December 2016 Developed after consultation from the Secretaries of the Interior and Health and Human Services, as well as the Attorney General, and Indian tribes. Describes the quality of transportation safety data being collected by States, counties, and Indian tribes. Quality Areas of improvement Available funding

7 FAST Section 1117b: (cont) Requires data collection from Tribes, States, Tribal Law Enforcement & Transportation Planners FHWA developed 10 minute Online Survey Or call or ( )

8 Other Safety Data Congressional Reports
STUDY ON BIA ROAD SAFETY. Report due December 2017 SENATE REPORT of APPROPS BILL Directs DOT to work with DOI to identify the transportation infrastructure needs facing Indian Country and propose steps to make improvements.

9 TTP Safety Funding FY15 TTP Safety Funding To date:
Nearly $8.5 million was awarded to 71 tribes. Funded 90 safety related projects and planning activities. To date: Funds provided for 377 projects - $25.5M total Program received approximately $91M in requests (3x) 60% of tribes have been funded for developing a safety plan FY16 NOFO will be published within two weeks

10 New Program SEC NATIONALLY SIGNIFICANT FEDERAL LANDS AND TRIBAL PROJECTS PROGRAM. To provide funding to construct, reconstruct, or rehabilitate nationally significant Federal lands and tribal transportation projects. (NO DESIGN FUNDING) Tribes are eligible applicants An eligible project must be a single continuous project on a TTP facility, have completed NEPA; and an estimated cost of at least $25,000,000. Funded through General Funding (not funded in FY16)

11 TIGER VIII $500M Tribes are eligible recipients
Final Applications were due 4/29/16 Expect announcement of successful projects in August See:

12 25 CFR 170 Target date for publication is July.
Data collection requirements from FAST Act have been included. Roll out meetings will be scheduled and included in the Federal Register Notice.

13 Tribal Transportation Self-Governance Program (TTSGP)
Located in Section 1121 of the FAST Act Will be established under 23 USC 207 Secretary must establish and carry out a program to be known as the Tribal Transportation Self-Governance Program Tribes must demonstrate both Financial and Program Management capability Intended to be used for all formula funding and discretionary grants at USDOT (1-stop shop) Including transfer of state funds, IE:(202(a)(9))

14 TTSGP (continued) Statutory Timeframes
PROMULGATION. – Secretary has initiated procedures under subchapter III of chapter 5 of title 5 (Negotiated Rulemaking) to negotiate and develop the regulations necessary to carry out the TTSGP. PUBLICATION OF PROPOSED REGULATIONS.—An NPRM will be published in Federal Register by September 4, 2017. A single extension up to 180 days can be requested if agreed to by all parties.

15 TTSGP (continued) Nominations
On Monday April 25, FHWA published a Federal Register Notice announcing the rulemaking and requesting nominees for committee members. Nominations were received by FHWA through June 9, 2016. A total of 33 nominations were received from: Tribes located in all 12 BIA Regions; Regional tribal organizations; and The DOI Self-Governance workgroup.

16 TTSGP (continued) Committee membership
USDOT considered tribal geographical location, size, and existing transportation and self-governance experience, in selecting tribal committee representatives. An announcement of the tribal and federal committee members will be made through a Federal Register Notice that will be published later this week.

17 Other Information Changing of the Guard
Brian Allen – Acting Director – FHWA Office of Tribal Transportation Program

18 Questions? Contact information: Brian Allen phone (360) Bob Sparrow phone (202)

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