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Copy down your Home Prep!

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1 Copy down your Home Prep!
August 16th, 2016 Directions: Copy down your Home Prep! Take out a blank sheet of paper, put your name and period in the upper left corner

2 Which three civilizations first developed in North America?
Today’s Agenda Measureable Objective Create a thinking map that compares and contrasts the first civilizations of North America Florida Standard: Compare interpretations of key events and issues throughout American History Agenda I do: We do: You do: Essential Question Which three civilizations first developed in North America? Learning Goal Compare and contrast the first civilizations of North America

3 Setting Up Papers 101 A1 2) Write down Unit Key Here…
1) Put your Name, Period and Date Here! Write A1 Draw a circle around it. A1 *This is how ALL papers in this class will be referenced*

4 Directions: Copy down these questions at the top of your paper.
EQ1: How did people come to the America’s? EQ2: What are the characteristics of the three earliest American Civilizations?

5 The Land Bridge Theory – Much of the world was covered by Glaciers
The Land Bridge Theory – Much of the world was covered by Glaciers. Glaciers are thick sheets of ice. Some scientists say we came over on boats. This theory is known as the coastal route theory.

6 Question: What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of irrigation?
In dry regions, farmers develop methods of irrigation. Irrigation is a method to water crops by channeling water from river or streams. Question: What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of irrigation? Too much food you have a surplus (or extra food), from which you can trade with others.

7 Three Civilizations Thinking Map
Directions: Set up a thinking map like so…. Three Civilizations Mayas Aztec Inca Part 2: We will now review three of the early North American Native American Tribes. We will do the Mayas together and you and your desk partner will be responsible for the Aztec and Inca’s.

8 The Maya Cities in Mexico & Central America
Built pyramids, temples, ball courts, and palaces Developed arts, government, language Created accurate calendar Disappeared due to disease or overpopulation Language forms more than 20 other languages

9 The Aztec & Inca Directions: With your desk partner one person will read about the Aztec and the other the Inca, after you’re done reading, converse with each other to fill in the TREE MAP.




13 Essential Questions Directions: Answer theses questions somewhere on your paper. Please copy down the question. In your opinion, what is the definition of a Civilization? 2) How did the Mayas and Aztecs fit that definition?

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