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P. 52-73.  Essential Question: How and why did people reach the Americas from Asia and begin to settle throughout North and South America?  Vocabulary:

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1 p. 52-73

2  Essential Question: How and why did people reach the Americas from Asia and begin to settle throughout North and South America?  Vocabulary:  Ice Age  Glacier  Migrate  Theory  Artifact  Archaeologist


4 Much of the Earth’s waters were frozen into glaciers and the level of the Earth’s oceans dropped A land bridge linked Asia to America and people and animals migrated to America Animals crossed the land bridge to North America so hunters followed them. Their way of life centered on hunting so hunters moved often Archaeologists discovered artifacts about large animals as artifacts showed that hunters became hunter-gatherers. Agriculture made it possible for people to settle in one place because people began to grow their food.

5 Chapter 1 Lesson 1 The way of life of the first Americans was centered on hunting until the end of the Ice Age. They hunted migrating mammoths. Animal hides were used to make cloths and temporary homes. As the climate warmed, early Americans began to gather and then grow their own food. Chapter 1 Lesson 1 How and why did the way of life of the first Americans center on hunting until the end of the Ice Age? They followed and hunted migrating mammoths and animal hides were used to make cloths and temporary homes. As the climate warmed, early Americans began to gather and then grow their own food. Main Idea Graphic Organizer Main Idea + 3 Supporting Details including vocabulary from the Lesson Main Idea in Question & Answer Format Main Idea + 3 Supporting Details including vocabulary from the lesson in sentence format.

6  During the Ice Age, hunters may have migrated across a land bridge from Asia to North America  Early people followed their food source and lived by hunting and gathering.  Archeologists have studied artifacts indicating that early people eventually learned how to grow food and become members of a settled community.

7  Essential Question: How did early cultures develop in different parts of North America?  Vocabulary:  Ceremony-  Mesa-  Drought-


9  Would prefer “Ancestral Puebloans”  In Navajo Anasazi=Ancient Enemy


11 Different early cultures developed throughout North America Mound Builders lived east of the Mississippi River Traders/ Organized/ Ceremonia l Anasazi (Cliff Dwellers) lived in the Southwest (Four Corners) on mesas. Farmers/ irrigation Inuit settled in the Arctic (Canada) Hunters/traveled by kayak Chapter 1 Lesson 2 How and why did different early cultures develop throughout North America? The Mound Builders lived east of the Mississippi River and were traders, highly organized and very ceremonial. The Anasazi (Cliff Dwellers) lived in the Southwest (Four Corners) on mesas who were farmers using irrigation. The Inuit settled in the Arctic (Canada) and were hunters who traveled by kayak.

12  Inuit

13 drought glacier migrate theory artifact specialize ceremony mesa empire Ice Age civilization slavery surplus tribute archaeologist pyramid

14  Essential Question: Why did powerful civilizations develop and spread in Mexico, Central America, and South America?  Vocabulary:  Civilization-  Surplus-  Specialize-  Pyramid-  Empire-  Tribute-  Slavery-

15  The Grove (Geography) and Inca Armies


17 System of writing Calendar People specialized Produced food surplus Pyramids Farmers Worshipped many gods Atlantic to Pacific empire conquerors One of the world’s largest cities Floating gardens Worshipped god of war terraces Present-day Peru Roads linked to capital city Fastest communication system

18  Brainpop "Aztec“ Brainpop "Aztec“  Brainpop "Inca“ Brainpop "Inca“  Brainpop "Maya“ Brainpop "Maya“ Making Connections: People of the Past Color= Similar struggle Struggle _____________________________ Historical context o Time: _____________________________ o Place: ____________________________ o Event: ____________________________ Color= Similar character trait Character trait ______________________ Historical context o Time: _____________________________ o Place: ____________________________ o Event: ___________________________ Color= Overcame similar struggle Historical context o Time: _____________________________ o Place: ____________________________ o Event: ___________________________

19  Here is an example using info from Lesson 1:  The good news about being one of the early people of North America is… that you have plenty of ice for your drinks all the time, because you’re in the middle of an Ice Age.  The bad news about being one of the early people of North America is… that you don’t have your own room since you have to move around all the time (migratory).  The diabolical (wicked) news about being one of the early people of North America is…mammoth meat. 3 meals a day. 7 days a week. 52 weeks a year.  Now it’s your turn to select a culture from LESSON 2! Choose the Mound Builders, the Anasazi, or the Inuit. Review facts about them from your notes or textbook (page 60-64)  Take 3 facts about that group and turn them into… the good news, the bad news, and the __________ news (It could be: diabolical (cruel/wicked), crazy, gross.)  Then draw a comic-style sketch for each one using the template provided.


21 A R T H Q U A K E C O U N T R Y S I D E O L T E C S P O P U L A T I O N H U R R I C N E






27 W E A P O S M U S I A V O T R I E S T L O A K S R B H E F B R D

28 The clan was the basis for all Aztec society. The Aztec word for clan is calpolli. Each Aztec tribe chose a council leader. The chief was in charge of civil and religious affairs. The second chief was chose to be in charge of war matters. The council was in charge of enforcing laws. The priest looked in the book of fate to see if the birth date was lucky or not. The priest tied together the cloaks of the bridge and groom. Twenty clans formed a tribe.. Aztec children were 13.

29 City of Tenochtitlan Crossword Puzzle


31 A Z T E C S R A N S O M A T A H U A L P A E U R O P E A NS P A N I S H C O U R T Y A R D B R A Z I L G O D S


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