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Passé Composé: The Past Tense.

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Presentation on theme: "Passé Composé: The Past Tense."— Presentation transcript:

1 Passé Composé: The Past Tense

2 Until now, you’ve only been able to talk about events happening in the present...
(hee hee)

3 or things that are going to happen in the near future.

4 You are about to embark on a strange and difficult journey...

5 You are about to travel back in time...

6 And learn how to talk about THE PAST!

7 The first step is to conjugate the verb AVOIR
J’ai Tu as Il/elle/on a Nous avons Vous avez Ils/elles ont

8 The next step is to form the past participle of the main verb (the action that happened in the past)

9 Here is how to form the past participle of the 3 kinds of regular verbs:
-er verbsdrop the er and add é parlerparlé -re verbsdrop the re and add u vendrevendu -ir verbsdrop the ir and add I finirfini

10 Try to form the past participles of these verbs on your own:
nettoyer manger mordre agir regarder choisir flotter attendre

11 So, to put it all together...

12 Here are some examples... Il a mangé du steak. J’ai entendu un chien.
Ils ont parlé. Tu as nagé. Vous avez joué. J’ai fini les devoirs. Les ballons ont roulé.

13 Now, try to put these sentences into the passé composé:
Elle bronze. Elles aiment le chocolat. Nous dansons. Le chanson finit. La prof demand une question. Mon père vend des radios. Tu réussis à l’examen.

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