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Presentation on theme: "5 OCTOBER 2015 MANILA, PHILIPPINES"— Presentation transcript:

APEC Symposium on Improving Resilience in Global Supply Chains: Participant Input and Interaction 5 OCTOBER 2015 MANILA, PHILIPPINES

2 Participatory Format for the Day
We have a great audience for this event – more than 100 diverse participants from government, business, academia, and civil society! How you can engage: Q&As Interactive surveys Networking Discussion at workshop conclusion Evaluation forms Follow-up after the event Let’s start with your questions and priority outcomes

3 Questions for discussion
What are some best practices and resources from across the APEC region for Supply Chain Resilience? How to prioritize preparations to support the supply chain during disasters? What are the private sector’s needs during disasters to improve supply chain resilience? What actions - political, economic, and operational - will be undertaken by the Government to ensure our industries remain competitive globally in terms of Supply Chain? How might supply chain resilience apply at the city level, and for the Philippines as a whole? With the risk of seismic activity, any safety measures we shall require to ensure that our warehouses, buildings and personnel working in those structure? What can SMEs do to promote supply chain resilience? How can Supply Chain improve the country's competitiveness? How can we promote fast, reliable and efficient in handling of relief goods and services? How does supply chain resilience relate to business continuity? How is our Supply Chain compared to other countries in Asia and the Pacific? What are government action plans for improvement or developing a resilient supply chain? How can we better prepare supply chains against risks and disasters with minimal costs? How can supply chain resilience improve logistics in the Philippines? How does supply chain management better execute business continuity management to ensure? What are the supply chain resilience best practices in terms of warehouse and distribution? How do we ensure that the agreed plans of actions make their way faster to the country's logistics and supply chain resilience roadmap? ….

4 Discussion Areas Regional best practice
Roles for public and private sector Strategies to promote supply chain resilience – at city, industry, and economy levels How strategies may differ for SMEs or for relief goods How to move from strategy to implementation

5 Desired Workshop Outcomes
To know more about the issues in the supply chain during a disaster Sharing of best practices/innovations within the region Understanding what the market knows or doesn't know about the root cause of supply chain issues that plague stakeholders. To better understand different actors’ roles in promoting supply chain resilience. To establish the specific elements in the Supply Chain that would make the Philippines compete within ASEAN and globally. To have better understanding on how APEC promote or endeavor supply chain/ logistics resiliency in the Philippines through collaborative engagement with other countries. Identify concrete steps on mitigating supply chain risks Guidelines for building MSMEs' resilience Proposed revisions/additions in the logistics roadmap of the Philippines - driven by better understanding of the country's state of supply chain resilience, and a strategy to drive urgency of realising the roadmap. Agreed principles to drive the supply chain resilience as a key component of the country's resilience enhancement program. Establish specific linkages in APEC economies to learn best practices, or best examples of logistics roadmap with success. To gain valuable knowledge and relevant information on the resilience of supply chains in APEC economies to be used as basis for enhancement and/or maintenance of the DTI’s Disaster Management and Operations Plan. Viable recommendations/planned action on how the Philippines can achieve supply chin resiliency in the midst of natural disasters. To have a coherent and robust medium and long term plan(s) both for the public and private sectors to keep our supply chain in PH resilient. Sustainably resilient and competitive supply chain. Implementation of policies that will facilitate supply chain resilience. ….

6 Desired Workshop Outcomes
Understand and promote regional best practice and innovative strategies to promote supply chain resilience Improve information sharing on supply chain resilience between government and business Strengthen understanding of different actors’ roles in promoting supply chain resilience Identify policies that will facilitate supply chain resilience Agree on a coherent framework for the public and private sector to work together to promote supply chain resilience Sustainably resilient and competitive supply chains

7 Question 1

8 Q1. Which of the Principles of Global Supply Chain Resilience is the most crucial in your operations? Share information and knowledge to promote supply chain resilience. Promote disaster risk management and hazard mapping to better understand potential risks to supply chain resilience. Support planning and business continuity management to improve global supply chain resilience. Promote best practice policy, regulations, and flexibility to enable global supply chain resilience. Leverage regional cooperation to support the supply chain, including coordination with other multinational organizations working on supply chain resilience inside and outside the APEC region. Promote critical infrastructure protection and inter-modalism as a key component of supply chain resilience. Recognize and promote best practice in human resource and capacity management in the context of supply chain resilience.

9 Q1. Which of the Principles of Global Supply Chain Resilience is the most crucial in your operations?

10 Question 2

11 Q.2 Which disruptions are most harmful to business in the wake of a disaster?
Destruction of the transportation infrastructure Issues with staff needing to tend to personal impact of the disaster Crowding at customs due to influx of humanitarian goods and equipment Lack of availability of inputs from suppliers Others?

12 Q.2 Which disruptions are most harmful to business in the wake of a disaster?

13 Question 3

14 Q.3 Which, if any, of the following solutions has your organization implemented to promote supply chain resilience? Business continuity management planning Training or certification of staff to take on disaster management roles within the organization Redundancy in suppliers in case of disruptions due to disasters Use of pre-contracting for potential repairs or equipment in times of disasters Others?

15 Q.3 Which, if any, of the following solutions has your organization implemented to promote supply chain resilience? Others:


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