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Ancient Rome & the Rise of Christianity 509 B.C. – A.D. 476

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1 Ancient Rome & the Rise of Christianity 509 B.C. – A.D. 476
Chapter Focus: How did Rome grow from a single city to a huge, diverse empire?


3 Roman Civilization Arises In Italy
5.1 – The Roman World Takes Shape Focus: What values formed the basis of Roman society and government? Roman Civilization Arises In Italy Central location on Mediterranean & peninsula Fertile plains for farming Geography – easy to unify* Mtns. smaller No isolated valleys

4 5.1 – The Roman World Takes Shape
Settlement – Italian Peninsula 800 B.C. – Latins settle along Tiber River Greeks settle southern Italy Etruscans settle northern Italy Romans use construction methods Engineering techniques Adopt some Gods & Goddesses

5 5.1 – The Roman World Takes Shape
Legend Founded by Romulus & Remus* Romans have divine origin (Sons of Mars) Raised by a she-wolf

6 5.1 – The Roman World Takes Shape
509 B.C. – drive out Etruscan ruler Set up a Republic – people chose some of the governing officials* Prevent individual from gaining to much power

7 5.1- The Roman World Takes Shape
Senate* 300 members* Serve for life* Consuls* 2 selected* Serve one term* Responsible to each other Supervise business & armies*

8 5.1 – The Roman World Takes Shape
Patricians* landholding upper class* Original senate members Plebeians* Farmers, merchants, artisans, & traders* Tribunes – protect interests of plebeians in senate* Veto – block laws felt harmful to them* Eventually allowed as members of the senate

9 5.1 – The Roman World Takes Shape
Dictator* Ruler who has complete control over the government* 6 month rule* Event of war* Pompey is made Dictator >

10 5.1 – The Roman World Takes Shape
The Laws of the Twelve Tables* 450 B.C. – laws are written down*

11 5.1 – The Roman World Takes Shape
Roman Society Men* Head of Household* Absolute power Women* Loving, dignified, strong Own property & run business* Patrician women – theater, dine out *All educated; read & write

12 5.1 – The Roman World Takes Shape
Polytheistic – Gods adapted from Greeks* Jupiter – ruled over sky & other Gods Juno – ruled over marriage Neptune – God of the sea Mars – God of War

13 5.1 – The Roman World Takes Shape
Roman Republic Grows 270 B.C. – Rome controls most of the Italian peninsula Legion – basic military unit; 5,000 men* Conquered – acknowledge Roman leadership; keep customs* Offered citizenship*

14 5.2 – From Republic to Empire Focus: What factors led to the decline of the Roman republic and the rise of the Roman empire? Rome Grows Through Conquest Gain control of Italian peninsula Expand westward Contact with north African city-state: Carthage* Conflict


16 5.2 – Rome Grows Through Conquest
Punic Wars (3)* Rome vs. Carthage* First War* Rome defeats Carthage* Gains: Sicily Corsica Sardinia

17 5.2 – Rome Grows Through Conquest
Second War* Hannibal – Carthaginian general* Invaded Italy from the north (alps)* Failed to capture Rome Romans attack Carthage Hannibal forced to return home Rome defeats Carthage*

18 5.2 – Rome Grows Through Conquest
Third War* Rome destroys Carthage* Romans are masters of the western Mediterranean Expand eastward Macedonia, Greece, & parts of Asia Minor Imperialism– policy of establishing control over foreign land and people*

19 5.2 – Impact of Conquest Conquests brings riches to Rome
New class of wealthy Romans create latifundias, or large estates* Conquered people – slaves on estates Farmers in debt Values: Greed replaces hard work & devotion

20 5.2 – Roman Republic Declines
Series of civil wars Roman soldiers loyal to their commander, not Rome

21 5.2 – Roman Republic Declines
Military generals, Julius Caesar and Pompey, dominate Roman politics* Caesar defeats Pompey & becomes dictator, or absolute ruler, of Rome* Kept the senate

22 5.2 – Death of Julius Caesar
Senate fears Caesar’s power March of 44 B.C. Julius Caesar stabbed to death on senate floor*

23 5.2 – Augustus 31 B.C. Octavian defeats Mark Antony & Cleopatra of Egypt & takes power of Rome* Octavian takes name of Augustus, or exalted one* Roman Republic ends Roman Empire begins Battle of Actium

24 5.2 - Augustus Builds stable govn’t
Census – population count; records (taxes)* Postal service Coins Public works (roads, temples, etc.)

25 5.2 – Roman Peace Pax Romana – 200 years of Roman Peace*
Began with Augustus & ended with Marcus Aurelius

26 5.2 – Emperors Vary Bad Caligula Nero

27 5.2 – Emperors Vary Good Hadrian

28 5.2 – Entertainment Circus Maximus Gladiators*
Usually slaves or criminals who were trained to fight

29 5.3 Roman Achievement Focus: How did advances in arts, learning, and the law show the Romans’ high regard for cultural and political achievement?

30 5.3- The Roman Achievement
Romans adapted many of their ideas from two major cultures: Greek Hellenistic

31 5.3- The Roman Achievement
Roman Literature: Virgil*- wrote the Aeneid tried to portray Roman past as heroic

32 5.3- The Roman Achievement
Roman Literature: Some writers of Rome use satire Satirize*- make fun of (society) Examples of Modern Satire Animal Farm Fahrenheit 451

33 5.3- The Roman Achievement
Roman sculptures*: Stressed realism* Tried to reveal an individuals character traits

34 5.3- The Roman Achievement
Roman Art: Used to decorate the homes Mosaic*- pictures made from chipped stone or glass

35 5.3- The Roman Achievement
Roman Architecture*: emphasized grandeur- large, proud* - Pantheon


37 Pompeii Roman art and architecture was preserved in Pompeii
Mt. Vesuvius erupted- turning the city into concrete statues

38 5.3- The Roman Achievement
Roman math and science: Excelled in engineering using science and mathematics to build structures & machines* aqueducts bring water into the city*


40 Romans used science to:
Collect knowledge Improve maps and geography Create encyclopedias

41 5.4- The Rise of Christianity Focus: How did Christianity emerge and then spread to become the official religion of the Roman empire? The Roman empire was home to many different religions during the Pax Romana Religions included: Polytheistic (Greek God), Monotheistic (Christianity), and even Cults Rome tolerated this as long people remained loyal to Rome.

42 5.4- The Rise of Christianity Jesus
Jesus (4 BCE.- 30 AD) believed by many Jews to be the messiah - anointed king sent by God* Christianity begins from the teachings of Jesus (a Jew)

43 5.4- The Rise of Christianity Jesus
By the age of 30 Jesus’ teachings were drawing a large following. (Miracles) He recruited 12 disciples or followers to help on his mission - called apostles - “person sent forth” (Greek)* Teachings were rooted in accordance with Jewish belief- also preached new beliefs calling himself the son of God.

44 5.4- The Rise of Christianity
Some Jews regarded him as a trouble maker Roman leaders feared he would challenge Roman rule* He was condemned to death by Crucifixion

45 5.4- The Rise of Christianity
The Message of Christianity spreads: Those of the new faith were called Christians because they believed Jesus was the Christ meaning anointed one. (Greek)* Along with Jesus’ disciples Paul was the most influential in spreading Christianity.* Taught that those accepting Christ would have eternal life.

46 5.4- The Rise of Christianity
In Christianity’s early stages Rome was not tolerant Roman officials thought the religion caused disloyalty Christians were persecuted and even killed for their beliefs Those who died for their beliefs were called: Martyrs*

47 5.4- The Rise of Christianity
In AD 313 the persecution of Christians ended: The Emperor Constantine- issues the Edict of Milan* Edict of Milan- allowed people to worship freely* Leads to Christianity becoming the official religion of Rome*

48 5.4- The Rise of Christianity
Early Church: To join you had to be baptized- “anointed with holy water”* Set up a clergy- people who conducted services (only men)* Each community had a bishop- high church official-* equal in authority to apostles Bishops took the title of patriarch- “father”*

49 5.4- The Rise of Christianity
Differences in the Early Church: In the western part of the Roman empire, where Latin was the official language, church officials were called: popes* Popes believed they had authority over bishops Heresies also developed: beliefs outside official church teachings*

50 5.5 The Long Decline Focus: How did military, political, social, and economic factors combine to cause the fall of the western Roman empire? After 100’s of years of domination the Roman Empire begins to fade due to: Economic Problems Invasions Corruption

51 5.5 The Long Decline The end of the Pax Romana was followed by political turmoil* In a 50 year period 26 different emperors ruled (only one dying of natural causes) High taxes and a lack of farming hurt the economy*

52 5.5 The Long Decline Attempted Reform
Diocletian attempts reform: Divides the empire* East v. West To slow inflation he fixed prices Inflation- rapid rise of prices*

53 Split Empire

54 5.5 The Long Decline Attempted Reform
Constantine: Followed Diocletian Continued reforms* Granted tolerance* to Christians Establishes a new Capital (east):* Constantinople* (Byzantium)

55 5.5 The Long Decline

56 5.5 The Long Decline Invaders threaten the Empire
Wars in Asia forced the Huns (fierce nomads) to migrate (200) The Huns forced Germanic* people into Roman Lands First the Empire gave up: Britain*, France, and Spain Attila the Hun - reaches central Europe around the year 434

57 5.5 The Long Decline Rome Falls:
Military attacks: - Legions are stretched too thin Rome begins to rely on mercenaries – soldiers who are paid to fight; no loyalty

58 5.5 The Long Decline Rome Falls:
Political Turmoil: Government loses support of the people Corrupt government officials Dividing Empire- East does little to help West

59 5.5 The Long Decline Rome Falls:
Economic Weakness: Heavy taxes Lack of new technology (slave labor) Population declines (war & disease)

60 5.5 The Long Decline Rome Falls:
Social Decay: Lack of patriotism Upper class- focuses on leisure Instead of being leaders

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