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THE STEM CLASSROOM Created on PowerPoint 2013. Please move through the transitions with your spacebar. Hopefully it meshes with whatever image you have.

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Presentation on theme: "THE STEM CLASSROOM Created on PowerPoint 2013. Please move through the transitions with your spacebar. Hopefully it meshes with whatever image you have."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE STEM CLASSROOM Created on PowerPoint Please move through the transitions with your spacebar. Hopefully it meshes with whatever image you have on your computer. Thank you for your consideration

2 The Existing Classroom
Every seated surface In the classroom would be removed. Including all student seating and the teacher’s desk.

3 New Furniture – Adjustable Legs
The legs adjust in height from approximately 59 cm to 90 cm and mount directly to the underside of a table top. Meet the OLOV adjustable table leg from Ikea. $60 per table

4 $49 $119 New Furniture – Table Tops per table per table
Butcher block table tops will be used with standing space for 4-6 students. Storage will be located underneath the table tops. Tables would be robust enough to handle construction activities, tools, and other STEM hardware. The tables will also be covered with a thin layer of lexan polycarbonate which turns the whole table into a 2.6 m2 whiteboard. $119 per table

5 Cost of New Furniture $49 $228 per table $119 $60

6 Independent Working Area
The New Classroom Desks will be setup along the outside of a carpeted area. A ceiling mounted projector and Apple TV is already installed Still Available space for … Independent Working Area A guided Reading Area

7 WHY? Evidence Suggests that standing desks promote a healthier working environment. Increasing activity levels. Improving core strength. Improving mood and lowering anxiety. Workplace analysis shows individuals at standing desks show more productivity and creativity then their sitting counterparts. Standing desks promote movement, multiple groupings, and collaboration. Students can move quickly and freely in the class, regrouping as different tasks dictate. This creates a more free flowing environment where ideas can be readily exchanged and explored.

8 SIP & Family of Schools Norman Ingram is actively looking for new and innovative ways to transform our classes to a STEM focus. We have taken on a growth mindset in this area. We want to try new things, we want to look for different ideas, and we want to change the landscape of learning at our school. An entire class transformation as a small pilot project would be a wonderful addition to these overall goals. It would show our willingness to be adaptive and creative in our approach to teaching, and it would help create opportunities for our students to engage in more meaningful and focused STEM education. In bringing this type of classroom to our school we also open ourselves up to be leaders in our family of schools. This is new. This is different. We spend a great deal of time trying to get our students to be free thinkers. To try new things. To be different and innovative in their own special way. Perhaps its time followed our own advice as educators and pushed our own boundaries out a little further. Having this in our FOS shows a possibility. It opens a door to a new style of classroom that could interest and invigorate other educators. It’s a spark … it could lead to something really great.

9 Accounting TOTAL $1344.70 Item Cost Per Unit Number of Units Cost
OLOV Legs $15 20 $300 GERTON Table Top $119 5 $595 LEXAN Tops $49 $245 Hardware $10 $50 SUB TOTAL $1190 HST $154.70 TOTAL $

10 Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things.
— Theodore Levitt Thank you for your consideration 

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