S I D V E R T Y Inclusion and Overview Dr. Cynthia Walters

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1 S I D V E R T Y Inclusion and Overview Dr. Cynthia Walters
Palmetto Health Corporate Director of Inclusion

2 “ Dr. Cynthia J. Walters Palmetto Health Team Member : 41 +
Previous Leadership Roles: Director of Education Director of Organization Development Corporate Director of Inclusion: 2013 Graduate of University of South Carolina Bachelor of Science Master of Adult Education Doctorate, Curriculum/Instruction Associate Minister: Zion Baptist Church Wife, Mother, Grandmother


4 What is it we can learn from this story?
REFLECTION What is it we can learn from this story?

5 CONCEPT OF PERSONS Although ratios, goals and bottom line is important, it is fundamental that leaders endorse the concept of persons when becoming a culture of inclusion A concept of persons begins with an understanding of the diversity of people’s gifts and talents and skills; and that everyone is needed

6 Innovative Workplace


8 “God created mankind. Every human being should feel respected and valued. We should be able to respect and value the differences that everyone brings to the table.” (2013) Mr. Charles D. Beaman, CEO Palmetto Health

9 Palmetto Health Culture of Inclusion
Palmetto Health will strengthen and sustain a climate of inclusion: 1. a diverse workforce is recruited, retained, developed and promoted 2. equity in care is provided 3. the communities we served are embraced through board membership, vendor support and minority philanthropy.

10 Palmetto Health Culture of Inclusion Foundation
Palmetto Health Strategic Plan Respected Visible Valued Six Pillars of Success People, Service, Quality, Finance, Growth, Community Vision: To be remembered by each patient as providing the care and compassion we want for our families and ourselves. Standards of Behavior Integrity, Compassion, Excellence, Dignity, Teamwork

11 Definitions Around Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity is defined as “Any collective mixture characterized by differences, similarities with related tensions and complexities. Dr. R. Roosevelt Thomas, Jr. Roosevelt Thomas Consulting and Training, Inc. Definitions Around Diversity and Inclusion Definition Truth Diversity Inclusion Definition Cultural Competence Definition Definition Cultural Intelligence Prejudice Definition Definition Stereotype Bias Definition

12 Primary and Secondary Dimensions of Diversity
Family Status Sexual Orientation First Language Work Experience Socioeconomic Status Geographic Location Military Experience Thinking Style Communication Style Organizational Role & Level Religion Age Gender Race Ethnic Heritage Disability

13 Definitions Around Diversity and Inclusion
Inclusion is defined as a culture where team members (employees, physicians and volunteers), patients, families and the community feel welcome and have the opportunity to contribute to the success of Palmetto Health. Definitions Around Diversity and Inclusion Definition Truth Inclusion Inclusion Definition Cultural Competence Definition Definition Cultural Intelligence Prejudice Definition Definition Stereotype Bias Definition

14 Why Diversity and Inclusion?
STATISTIC #1 STATISTIC #2 STATISTIC #3 STATISTIC #4 Estimated 75% Baby Boomers Retiring 56 Million Americans Have a Disability # of household led by women is 40% (13% in 1960) Minorities in 2050 will exceed 50% (currently at 30%) 1 in 5 people

15 Palmetto Health Employee Demographics
Race/Ethnicity FY15 FY14 FY13 FY12 FY11 White 7,001 5,452 5,357 5,351 5,322 African-American 4,299 3,472 3,364 3,184 3,247 Hispanic/Latino 147 118 100 95 83 Asian 276 221 200 207 209 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Island 24 23 28 American Indian Alaska Native 22 19 18 27 Two or More Races 179 139 137 148 Unknown 217 90 80 21 12 Total Females = 9,767; Males = 2,398 12,165 Includes PH Tuomey 9,535 9,279 9.043 9,076

16 PH Patient Population (cases)
Race FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 White 253,798 279,779 298,518 322,237 354,391 African American 276,846 293,802 311,030 336,796 359,849 Hispanic 18,802 18,861 19,724 20,499 21,591 Asian 2,832 3,003 2,274 3,751 4,231 American Indian 1,991 1,954 2,020 1,895 2,318 Other 11,655 13,360 16,903 17,857 21,503 Total 565,924 610,759 650,469 703,035 791,095

17 Inclusion is getting the Mix to work well Together
Diversity is the Mix Inclusion is getting the Mix to work well Together

18 Definitions Around Diversity and Inclusion
Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience; formed beforehand. Definitions Around Diversity and Inclusion Definition Truth Prejudice Inclusion Definition Cultural Competence Definition Definition Cultural Intelligence Prejudice Definition Definition Stereotype Bias Definition

19 Definitions Around Diversity and Inclusion
Stereotype is to believe unfairly that all people or things with a particular characteristic(s) are the same; a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thin Definitions Around Diversity and Inclusion Definition Truth Stereotype Inclusion Definition Cultural Competence Definition Definition Cultural Intelligence Prejudice Definition Definition Stereotype Bias Definition

20 Definitions Around Diversity and Inclusion
Bias is showing favor to a person, group, or idea over another Definitions Around Diversity and Inclusion Definition Truth Bias Inclusion Definition Cultural Competence Definition Definition Cultural Intelligence Prejudice Definition Definition Stereotype Bias Definition

21 Focus on Diversity/Inclusion Employee Engagement Questions
HOW ARE WE DOING ON DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION? Employee Survey 4.18 2016 Employee Survey 4.40 1. The person I report to treats me with respect. 2. This organization values team members from different backgrounds. 3. My ideas and suggestions are seriously considered. 4. There is a climate of trust within my work unit. 5. This organization treats team members with respect.

22 Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
Leadership Buy In Strategic Plan Formal Position Resources Budget Annual Goals and Metrics

23 We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others are bright, some have weird names, but we have to learn to live in the same box." – Anonymous You might not choose all of your team mates if you were to have put together the team yourself, but that doesn't mean you don't have to work with them and try to get along. The workforce is a diverse place and the sooner you learn how to deal with diversity in a collaborative environment, the smoother the collaboration will work.

24 Video


26 Corporate Director of Inclusion
THANK YOU Dr. Cynthia J. Walters Corporate Director of Inclusion (803)

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