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Caregivers Are Important - How to Take care of Ourselves?

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2 Caregivers Are Important - How to Take care of Ourselves?
Sometimes overwhelmed by their duties, caregivers often forget about the need to take care of themselves. Not only can a caregiver develop physical problems that affect your sense of well-being, but also need to be aware that you may experience feelings or emotions as a result of caring for someone. These emotions can be distressing and affect your OVERALL wellness.

3 Caregiver ..... Physically, caregiver often can't handle all the tasks they once could. The loved one’s diet and lifestyle changes, medications and sometimes depression may be stressful and difficult to handle. Family members and friends provide a much-needed source of care and support.

4 Caregiver ..... A caregiver for someone can requires a long-term commitment of time and energy. As a caregiver, you need a plan and you need support. You're not alone. And, most importantly, remember that you have to take care of yourself. With proper planning and support, caregiving can be very rewarding .

5 Caregivers have Rights too ...

6 Take care of Yourself - Take care of yourself. This is not an act of selfishness. It will enable you to take better care of your loved one. Acknowledge that with only 24 hours in a day you cannot do everything. Set realistic schedule for yourself. Seek help from others even though your loved one may object. Recognize the limits of your own endurance and strength. Maintain facets of your own life that do not include the person that you care for. You have the right to do some things for myself.

7 List the tasks you need to complete: concrete solutions
Prioritize the tasks from the most important to leave important which tasks are absolutely necessary and which can wait? Avoid unwanted stress by eliminating unnecessary tasks from to do list. Set a deadline for when to complete each task – deadlines can be flexible to accommodate your abilities to complete each task safely and efficiently.

8 Take care of yourself .. Being able to manage your tasks can be very helpful in stress management. Take pride in what you are accomplishing and applaud the courage it sometimes takes to meet the needs of your loved one.

9 How to Avoid Burn Out ... The balancing act ...

10 How to Avoid Burn Out ... Manage Your Stress
Your emotional and psychological health is important and can affect your physical health. Be aware of the signs that point to caregiver "burnout." Watch for: Feeling exhausted all the time- increased susceptibility to illnesses Excessive use of alcohol, medications or sleeping pills Appetite changes — either eating too much or too little Depression — hopelessness, feelings of alienation, lack of energy to do new things Irritability Anger or resentment towards your loved one

11 How to Avoid Burn Out ... Losing control physically or emotionally
Withdrawal from social activities Insomnia or trouble falling asleep or staying asleep Clumsiness, including frequent accidents Difficulty concentrating, missing appointments If you show signs of caregiver stress and maybe thinking you are approaching burnout or just getting crispy ----get help. Your healthy body, mind and spirit benefit your loved one as much as they benefit you. Where does your health stand today? Where does it need to be? Start working towards achieving your health goals. Take it one day at a time and make small changes

12 Effective Stress Management can help prevent or minimize Caregiver Burnout
Identify the sources of stress Start with a stress journal – write down what you think caused your stress in day, how you felt both physically and emotionally, how you reacted to the stressor and what you did to make yourself feel better You plan a role in How stress affects you and your reactions unknowingly contribute to your stress levels.

13 Understand that YOU can control your stress
Be proactive and learn healthier ways to cope with stress This could be a easy as learning to say NO Learn constructive ways to communicate and also effective relaxation techniques to reduce stress and to look after yourself.

14 What is Self-Care? Care taken by individuals toward their own health and wellbeing With the intention of maintaining, improving or restoring health Most care in life is self care Examples?

15 Self-Care Includes: Maintaining physical and emotional health
Meeting both social and psychological needs Preventing illness and accidents Caring for minor health issues and long- term conditions Maintaining health when recovering from an acute illness

16 What is Physical Self-Care?
Listening to your body Fuelling your body with nutritious meals and snacks Getting adequate exercise Sleeping on a regular schedule Limiting alcohol intake

17 What is Emotional Self-Care?
Routinely expressing and releasing emotions (e.g. having a ‘good cry’ at an appropriate time and location) Acknowledge that emotions are neither good nor bad – they just are

18 What is Emotional Self-Care?
Routinely expressing and releasing emotions (e.g. having a ‘good cry’ at an appropriate time and location) Acknowledge that emotions are neither good nor bad – they just are

19 What is Relational Self-Care?
Support! Support! Support! Talking to others; friends, family, group members, counsellor/thereapistposition Regularly attending support groups Speaking with friends and family about general stressors Feeling close to others makes us feel more human

20 What is Spiritual Self-Care?
Acknowledging ‘the bigger picture’ and the natural circle of life Reading sacred texts, praying, attending services, connecting with nature, meditating, etc. No religious component required

21 Optional Self-Care? Self-Care is not optional!
It is akin to maintaining your vehicle – if you don’t perform regular maintenance, your vehicle will break down What have you done recently to practice self-care?

22 Discussion

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