Year 9 Subject Selection Putting Bubbles into Beer

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1 Year 9 Subject Selection Putting Bubbles into Beer

2 Course Description In this unit, students investigate the process of fermentation and its application in industry around the world. Students explore topics including: what are chemical reactions, acids and bases, balancing equations and the production of ginger beer.

3 Why Study this? Work Tasks Assessment tasks
Work tasks include practical activities, chapter questions and classroom activities. Some examples of some of the activities include: Balloon Blow up Testing Household solutions Making and Testing Ginger Beer Practical Reports Assignments/Worksheets Topic Tests

4 Subject pathway…. At the end of this unit students who undertake this subject will have a basic understanding of chemical concepts. If wanting to continue Chemistry in year 10 it is suggested that students undertake the Year 9 ‘Advanced Chemistry’ subject to support their learning. VCE pathway: VCE Chemistry. It is strongly advised that students who choose to undertake VCE Chemistry should complete the Year 10 Chemistry course too.

5 Extra activities/costs?
There are no extra costs to students. There are no excursions or camps with this subject. Students are expected to participate in all laboratory practical activities.

6 More information…. Jacinta Preston

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