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2 2 matching chromosomes that are the
Type of cell division used by organisms to grow bigger, repair injuries, and replace worn out cells. mitosis 2 matching chromosomes that are the same size, same shape, and carry genes for the same traits. HOMOLOGOUS

3 Cells that have 2 copies of each chromosome
Diploid or 2n Type of division seen in bacteria Binary fission

4 Type of nuclear division that produces 2 daughter cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell mitosis Type of nuclear division that produces four daughter cells that have ½ the number of chromosomes as the parent cell meiosis

5 Cells that have only one copy of each chromosome
Haploid OR 1n Repeating sequence of events that cells go through during their lifetime Cell cycle

6 Phase in which the DNA is copied
S or SYNTHESIS DNA that is scrunched up into bundles in a dividing cell chromosomes

7 The production of mature eggs
oogenesis The type of reproduction that involves the union of gametes and combines genetic material from 2 parents Sexual reproduction

8 2 identical arms that make up a chromosome
chromatids DNA that is spread out in the nucleus of a non-dividing cell chromatin

9 Reproductive cells like sperm or eggs
gametes Pairing up of homologous chromosomes during Prophase I of meiosis synapsis

10 The exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes
Crossing over The pair of homologous chromosomes that forms during synapsis tetrad

11 New mixtures of genetic material
Genetic recombination The random separation of maternal and paternal chromosomes during Anaphase I. Independent assortment

12 The production of mature sperm
spermatogenesis Type of reproduction that does not involve meiosis or joining of gametes and genetic material comes from only 1 parent Asexual reproduction

13 Type of cell division used to produce gametes
Small cells produced during oogenesis when the cytoplasm divides unevenly which degenerate Polar bodies Type of cell division used to produce gametes meiosis

14 The production of mature sperm
spermatogenesis The type of reproduction that uses the genetic material from only 1 parent Asexual reproduction

15 Programmed cell death; “Cell suicide” for the good of the organism
apoptosis Small cells with little cytoplasm produced during oogenesis Polar bodies

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