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Life Stew 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Life Stew 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life Stew 1

2 INGREDIENTS Goal Setting Taking Action Gratitude 2

3 Did you.. 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 A Question 7

8 8

9 Matthew 6 9

10 Psalm 118:24  This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. 1 Thessalonians 5:18  Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Colossians 3:17  And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Psalm 136:1  Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever. 10

11 Philippians 4:8 Romans 12:2 11

12 Leper Colony 12

13 Luke 17 13

14 Benefits of Gratitude 14

15 Grateful people are healthier (less stress)
You will feel a sense of abundance in your life Gratitude awakens the nurturing part of our brain helps us to locate meaning and purpose. Appreciate the contributions of others. Strengthens relationships Gratitude takes the focus off us, back on God. Begin to recognize and enjoy life’s simple pleasures 15

16 Long lasting positive effect
It’s impossible to be angry and thankful at the same time. We will see the world in a different light. 16

17 Barriers to Gratitude Pride and fear.
Tendency to see things that hold us back instead of pushing us forward. Familiarity 17

18 “I just want you to know…..”
Let’s Make it Work! Start a sentence with “I just want you to know…..” 18

19 Best way to establish habit of gratitude.
Let’s Make it Work! 2. Keep a gratitude journal Best way to establish habit of gratitude. 19

20 This will reframe your brain.
Let’s Make it Work! 3. Turn a negative to a positive This will reframe your brain. 20

21 Help create visual cues.
Let’s Make it Work! 4. Look for the little things Help create visual cues. 21

22 Hear, see, smell, touch, taste.
Let’s Make it Work! 5. Use your senses! Hear, see, smell, touch, taste. 22

23 Let’s Make it Work! 6. Daily read God’s word It’s all there! 23

24 Our To-Done List Keep a gratitude journal for 1 week
Start a least one sentence with someone- “I just want you to know…” Record 2 examples of turning a negative into a positive Record 3 examples of using your senses Make a note of 4 things you hadn’t noticed for a while that you’re grateful for. 24


26 26

27 How do I move from knowing what I should do, to actually doing it?

28 28

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30 30

31 Knowing WHAT to do will never be enough
Knowing WHAT to do will never be enough. We don’t struggle with knowing what to do, we struggle with our feelings. 31

32 You CANNOT always control how you feel, but you can ALWAYS choose how to act.

33 When you begin to move, your brain starts to build new habits.

34 Spirit gives us the words.
Spirit will guide us. Spirit gives us the words. Sets our minds. 34

35 Widow with 2 mites Woman with bleeding Parable of the sower 35

36 Luke 9: 5 …”shake the dust off…”
Luke 9:23 …”deny yourself and follow me.” Luke 9:51 36

37 #1: Feeling for need security hinder him
Three “Followers” Luke 9: 57-62 #1: Feeling for need security hinder him #2: Need to have finances in order hinder him #3: Need to satisfy others would hinder him 37

38 Romans 8:5-17 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.  38

39 Romans 8:28 28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 39

40 Do not make the mistake of focusing on the outcome of your action
Do not make the mistake of focusing on the outcome of your action. Let God handle that. What matters is the inward transformation. The growth of faith. 40

41 Use the 5-Second rule 3 times in the next 2 weeks and report back.
To-done list: Use the 5-Second rule 3 times in the next 2 weeks and report back. 41

42 In Two Weeks: 42

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