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Key Stage 1 English.

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1 Key Stage 1 English

2 Reading (reading interventions; home support, inc. rewards)
Reading is taught four times a week for 45 minutes using Read, Write Inc. 25 minutes focuses on learning new sounds – focus on embedding ‘pure’ sounds and blending them into words. 20 minutes focuses on reading skills – finding information, predicting, skimming, scanning, imagining, inferring and summarising.

3 Home support Listen to your child every night and sign the diary to show that they have read. To read to your child every night – books that are above their reading ability. Encourage reading to, or with, siblings. Support by providing a quiet, calm reading environment so that reading is important. Ask questions to see if they have understanding of what they have just read, making predictions about what might happen next and making links to other books or real life situations.

4 Rewards For every night that they read, the children get a stamp in their diary and move up the ladder. If they read every night, they will earn 10 team points and a special sticker for their diary.

5 Spelling

6 Spelling For homework, different spelling lists that focus on the common exception words. Support at home by learning spellings – use guidance sent with homework letter. Practise common exception word spellings in handwriting. Learn how to spell words phonetically in RWI.

7 SPaG – Spelling, punctuation and grammar.
SPaG is taught explicitly in English lessons and constantly referred to, in all teaching. Yr2 expectations – learning how to use both familiar and new punctuation correctly, including full stops, capital letters, exclamation marks, question marks, commas for lists learn how to use: sentences with different forms: statement, question, exclamation expanded noun phrases to describe and specify [for example, the blue butterfly] the present and past tenses correctly and consistently including the progressive form subordination (using when, if, that, or because) and co-ordination (using or, and, or but) some features of written Standard English formation of adjectives using suffixes such as –ful, –less apostrophes to mark where letters are missing in spelling Terminology for pupils: noun, noun phrase, statement, question, exclamation, command, compound, suffix, adjective, adverb, verb, tense (past, resent), apostrophe, comma

8 Useful websites Read, Write Inc information for parents -

9 Writing Writing for a purpose – real life outcomes and ‘hooks’.
Story telling for writing. Focus on key skills (capital letters, full stops, finger spaces, simple and compound sentences). Handwriting – taught daily. Focus on the correct letter formation. Cursive letter formation taught.

10 Supporting your child with writing
Provide lots of writing opportunities. Correct use of capital letters and full stops. When reading, talk about punctuation. Model being a writer.

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