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GEONETCast: Delivering Global and Regional Data and Observations

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1 GEONETCast: Delivering Global and Regional Data and Observations
GEONETCast Implementation Group GEONETCast: Delivering Global and Regional Data and Observations Presented by: Vincent Gabaglio, EUMETSAT SIGMA side-event, St-Petersburg, November 2016

2 What is GEONETCast? GEONETCast is a Global network of sustained and cost-effective satellite-based dissemination systems that delivers EO data and products to GEO community activities, initiatives and flagships on a routine basis, in support to SBAs GEONETCast is a Foundational Task under the GEO Common Infrastructure

3 GEONETCast Partners Services operated by & data exchanged via 3 GEONETCast Network Centres (GNCs): CMA (CMACast, covers Asia and parts of the Pacific) EUMETSAT (EUMETCast, covers Europe, Africa, and the Americas) NOAA (GEONETCast Americas, covers the Americas and Caribbean)

4 GEONETCast Implementation Group
Int’l GEONETCast Implementation Group Bi-weekly teleconferences Coordinate joint efforts, outreach, share information U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Satellite and Information Service (NOAA/NESDIS) Brazil National Institute for Space Research (INPE) China Meteorological Administration (CMA) European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO) representing the European Commission Added INPE

5 Global User Community 3054 users 2713 users 301 users 150 users
Changed CMACast to 2680 based upon last GNC telecon How many stations does EUMETCast Americas have ? I will add what I have for GNC-A stations to your total. 150 users

6 Reception Station Equipment
Antenna PC(s) DVB Router DVB PCI Card DVB USB EKU Software

7 GEONETCast americas



10 Support GEOSS Implementation
Established delivery of data in support of Societal Benefit Areas (SBAs) especially: Supporting GEO Initiatives: Blue Planet, GEOGLAM, GFOI and GEOBON AmeriGEOSS & AfriGEOSS Full list of products via the Product Navigator New SBA’s: Disaster Resilience, Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture, Water Resources, Energy and Mineral Resources, Public Health Surveillance, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Sustainability, Sustainable Urban Development, Infrastructure and Transportation The four sub bullets match what was there plus added Disaster and Biodiversity. These are the four concentrations for AmeriGEOSS. Not sure about AfriGEOSS.

11 Product Navigator Key Features:
Metadata descriptions, data provider and data access information; Includes all GEONETCast products; Uses open standards (e.g. OGC, Inspire) for catalogue interoperability with other organisations; Interoperable with the GEO Web Portal.

12 Data Provider Engagement
Each GNC works directly with its regional data providers: Satellite data from, e.g. NASA, INPE, ESA, CNES, JAXA, JMA, ISRO, …etc Products from regional projects & agencies, e.g. INPE, NOAA/NWS/ISCS, MESA, AGRICAB, Copernicus Global Land, WMO community, etc; A central GEONETCast Feedback Form is the starting point for all new data requests; Each GNC has its own process for inclusion of new data streams. Subbullet two: deleted Servir and RANET. But added ISCS and INPE

13 User Engagement Each GNC works directly with its regional Users (a user base of 6000), e.g. Ocean application community (e.g. Copernicus Marine Service) Wider environmental data community (e.g. Global Forest Observation Initiative (GFOI)) Agricultural applications (e.g. VITO, Belgium) R&D community (e.g. ITC, Netherlands; SAGEO, Americas) WMO provides guidance and coordination of meteorological user requests International Charter Space and Major Disasters Added International Disaster Charter

14 GEONETCast & GCI Data discovery is provided by the Product Navigator which interfaces with the GCI: A Portal which is fully compliant with: ISO Metadata standards & OGC Catalogue Services, INSPIRE and the WMO core profile GEOSS DataCore entries are being identified GEONETCast and the Product Navigator are GEOSS registered components and services

15 GEONETCast Training Channel
Improve access to training material - especially where Internet connectivity is limited Place training material with the data GEONETCast Training Channels are open to all data providers Need to add a comment for GNC-A and maybe CMACast. How to do that

16 An International agreement among participating Space Agencies to provide space-based data and information in support of relief efforts during emergencies caused by major disasters.

17 Challenges for the future
Increased data volumes arising from new satellite programmes and increased user demands for EO data; Enhance coverage to regions without access to GEONETCast (work with US AID/UCAR RAPIDCast Pilot Program, over the Pacific Ocean). Increase the link between GEONETCast and the other components of the GCI;

18 Challenges for the future
Engage with GEO initiatives, flagship and community activities to assess at early stage needs for data access and dissemination; Engages with global communities, e.g. Disaster Community through support to Charter Coordination of engagement through the GEO Secretariat (foundational tasks)

19 GNC-A - Contacts and Links
CMACast Contact: EUMETCast Contact: GEONETCast-Americas Contact: GEO -


21 EUMETSAT and CB Operational & Long term commitment to deliver EO data (up to 2040) Strategy to support user communities Easier access to the data Help make best use of the data for their own needs Activities to implement the strategy Data access (data policy, access tool: GEONETCast/EUMETCast) Training User Forum/Help Desk Support to CB initiatives, projects

22 Long term perspective (allow return on investments)
EUMETSAT and CB (2) Sustainability Long term perspective (allow return on investments) User owned (not only driven) based on user needs, part of long term users’ strategy Institutional aspects are key Means effort on institutional capacities

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